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Is level outcome pre determined at the start?

I'll just test out first of all if the bots that oversee the community will allow this thread. I've fallen foul a couple of times.


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  • Posts: 11,070
    edited September 2024

    Good, so they have allowed it. I've been playing an interesting level this morning: Level 3787.

    It's got an obvious gameplay: Get the keys, open up the boxes that will open up striped candies to clear the toffee swirls. Once three keys are gone we have wraps next to a fish bopper which will set off fishes if hit. So we are at the mercy of luck in a huge way:

    Will the stripes that drop be horizontal or vertical?

    Will the fishes go for the right candies to help us?

    On my first attempt almost all the stripes came out vertical, which made me think: Could this be the level to use to prove how pre determined and fixed the game boards are?


    1. Some attempts I got lots of colour bombs and other chances to get the keys early and then passed, so an old fashioned lucky board.
    2. Some attempts I got nowhere and failed miserably, such as on my first attempt
    3. Some attempts left me one hammer or up to five moves short

    So far, so obvious. We have seen these three choices before and we know about all that, don't we?

    But what really struck me about this level was that normally the stripes and wraps drop continuously, even when hit by fishes. On a lucky board I could go from this:

    to this in just the one move:

    So I lost four rows of frosting in one move, just by a combination of horizontal stripes and fishes eating them. I passed this level with 8 moves to go.

    So bearing this in mind, what happened here in this attempt?

    Where are the stripes? I have a colour bomb but no striped candies on the bottom row. Eventually I decide to hit it against the orange, fishes swim about, doing no good whatsoever, and still no stripe?

    Sweet? What's sweet about that????

    Eventually I finally get a stripe, but it's vertical, so not good, and the one above it is horizontal, also no good at this point.

    Needless to say I failed this level.


    I am sorry to say that this to me proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this game is rigged.

    Any thoughts on this? @MannyFae @SneakyPyroDuck ?

  • I have an idea about the stripes. The game won't drop a stripe if you have two or more already on board.

    In the screenshot below, I have a position similar to yours. A stripe on the main board (probably) caused the dispensers to stop producing stripes until I ran out of moves.

    I encountered the same situation again in a later attempt:

    I made some moves, no stripes dropped.

    But, as soon as the green stripe was set off, the dispenser released a stripe and everything went into motion.

    This might need more testing, but it's likely how this board is set up.

  • Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Yup that is very likely what is happening. There is a level way earlier were if you start with a color bomb and it decides to put it in a bad spot, thus usable, the dispensers will never create another color bomb.

    Basically the dispensers have a hard limit of 2 striped, in this case, so the second one on the board stops generation of a new one from the dispenser. This does not affect them popping up randomly or from matches.

    This requirement is fairly rare and most of the time you will never notice it due to the board design.

  • Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Yup that is very likely what is happening. There is a level way earlier were if you start with a color bomb and it decides to put it in a bad spot, thus usable, the dispensers will never create another color bomb.

    Basically the dispensers have a hard limit of 2 striped, in this case, so the second one on the board stops generation of a new one from the dispenser. This does not affect them popping up randomly or from matches.

    This requirement is fairly rare and most of the time you will never notice it due to the board design.

  • That could explain the mechanism, but I have one screenshot in which there is only one stripe on the board. It also does not explain how I can get stripe after stripe dropping when I get lucky: The moment a fish eats one of the stripes another one immediately drops.

    The wraps also don't always drop, as is evident here, and at other times they drop with every move. If it is about stripes on the board, then there must be some time delay as well.

  • The wraps appear to have a limit on how many can drop per move to avoid an endless fish loop (only one?)

    The moment a fish eats one of the stripes another one immediately drops.

    Yes, due to the board now having one stripe less.

    there must be some time delay as well.

    Maybe there's a limit on how many can drop per move too. I've made five more attempts, made screen recordings, and watched them afterwards, but I haven't been able to replicate your screenshot so far. Stripes always drop without fault for me as soon as one stripe is eaten by fish or excess stripes on board explode.

    I have run out of lives now and must wait until they replenish.

  • Posts: 11,070
    edited September 2024

    I think you probably are right about the two stripe limit and I can't recreate that screenshot either now, so don't bother spending more lives on this.

    My initial theory and question was mostly regarding if King control the pass/fail/one move short outcome by the direction of the stripes on the candies that drop. This seems more relevant here, because that will determine more than anything if the level will be passed. Thanks for your input!

  • King control the pass/fail/one move short outcome by the direction of the stripes on the candies that drop.

    I'm sure they do.

    Thank you for pointing this level out. It was an interesting level to play!


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