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Does the super colour bomb help to pass levels?

christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend

For those who haven't seen this in their games yet. This is what it is:

So the incentive here is similar to that for Candy Royale: Don't lose a single level or will lose it.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend
    edited September 21

    Once you have gained the Super Colour Bomb by gaining the 10 golden crowns you can keep it for 24 hours but you will lose it if you fail a single level. The game will give you three supercharged colour bombs.

    This means that each colour bomb will do its activity twice. The first is what you choose, the second is "random". So if you make a colour bomb/stripe combo with it the game will follow this immediately with another set of striped candies going off, the same if you play a colour bomb/wrap combo, you will see all the candies of the first hit turn into wraps and this will then be followed by another colour to turn into wraps that explode. Powerful!

    It only shows up on new levels.

    I decided to test if this actually affected the outcome of the levels.

    So I scrolled back in my game and played episode 636 to 650, which is one of the harder ones. I added the timed starting boosters so as to make it as similar as I could, as a control. Having scrolled back meant there was no super colour bomb, nor were there any win streak boosters.

    I then played exactly the same episode on my other game, for which these were new levels, so I had both win streak boosters and the super colour bomb.

    Findings will be posted later…. to keep the suspense.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend

    So here we go, my findings. First of all I must say that it's been a lot more difficult than I anticipated to disentangle the effect of the win streak boosters. By definition if you keep the super colour bomb then you must also be on the top win streak. In the end I played three episodes.

    Episode 1 : 636 to 650

    I played all the starting boosters on both devices. So with the super colour bomb game I had the win streak boosters as well, meaning I had 2 colour bombs and two each of wrapped/striped on my starting board. On the regular game I only had one colour bomb and one wrap and stripe. So it was a double whammy for the iPhone game.

    The 8 unmarked levels I passed easily in both games.

    Level 641 (unmarked) I failed on normal CB game but passed with super CB

    Level 639 ("super hard") I failed on normal CB game but passed with super CB

    Levels 647 (hard), 640 (legendary) I failed on both

    Level 645 (nightmarishly hard) I passed on my last move with the normal CB game and failed with the super CB

    Level 650 (super hard) I passed in my normal CB game but failed the volcanic panic version with super CB

    So for the episode: I passed exactly the same number of levels on my first attempt. It would appear that the effect of playing the three starting boosters is as good as the effect of the super colour bomb plus win streak plus starting boosters.


    (By the way, when I state "fail" I did of course pay for the extra moves and boosters necessary to keep my win streak because my test would otherwise have come to an end)

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend

    Next episode I decided to play just the colour bomb starting booster on both games. As it turned out that playing just the colour bomb without stripe/wrap really doesn't help at all, so the super CB/win streak booster game did fare better on this one. ( I failed 4 levels in the normal game and only one in the super but that was probably due to the win streak.)

    The next episode I tried to even it out as much as I could: Play CB plus wrap/stripe for the normal CB game, so that would mean both games started with exactly one colour bomb on the board. This left the super CB game with one win streak wrap/stripe more than the other game. (The SuperCB/win streak game also had 3 added moves so I will count any game passed on those last three extra win streak moves as a "fail", even though I am not sure if the algorithm takes account of this or not)

    Episode Levels 666 to 680

    Again I passed all levels unmarked on both devices except level 673 which saw me just a few moves short on both games. (Maybe I was tired and missed something as I usually find that level easy to pass)

    Level 672 (hard) both failed

    Level 674 (super hard) both failed

    Level 675 (legendary) both failed

    Level 677 (hard) both failed

    Level 679(hard) both failed. The super colour bomb game failed this one because one of the dragons got trapped in an impossible place: (a switch would have saved it of course)

    This was probably due to the extra explosions of the previous colour bomb, so a direct effect of it being "super".

    So the verdict from this episode would be that no, the super colour bombs do not on their own help to pass a level.

    Here some screenshots that might explain why, especially on legendary levels, they don't have much effect.

    These are the two boards after one move taken, in both cases the recommended first move:

    Now you might say that one board looks better than the other, but look closely and you will see that the top one is the board with the three extra moves, so the Top here is after a Super colour bomb explosion and the bottom screenshot is the one where I had a normal colour bomb!

    Also on levels like these you can see that a super colour bomb will just not have much effect, so for many legendary levels they are just useless.

    A normal colour bomb has pretty much the same effect as the super one here. And on these boards there won't be much difference either, after the first moves.

    What must be noted is that as the game states the first three colour bombs will be "super" it is significant that I found many legendary levels did not provide me with a chance to create any more colour bombs.

    So the verdict may look like the super colour bombs are fairly useless, but note that I only tested if they helped passing a level without boosters.

    If you do play boosters such as lollipop or UFO or switch, then with the super colour bombs you will need fewer. They also help to pass easier levels a lot more quickly, which may be good if you are in a rush for some reason. And of course, they are fun with those mega explosions. There may also be more benefit in different level ranges.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend
    edited September 22

    One more comment to add: There was one level in the next episode where the super colour bomb would have really helped, but for that one level the game had just taken it away! Without explanation. It was level 692 . Starting boosters were NOT locked, they even offered me to play a colour bomb, but it was NOT super, nor was my win streak colour bomb. For the next level the super CB was back.

    Now the manner in which both my game finished on their first attempt might explain why they took away that super colour bomb.

    This level is meant to leave every player one jelly short on their first try:

    They want us to use a lollipop hammer for this one. Note how in both games it's the top left jelly that remains.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,305 Level 5

    Thanks for the tip, @christinewupp! I'll be prepared for that level.

    But re. screenshot "img-1892," did you lose that attempt? 😲 Barring any surprises from above (i.e. 3 purples drop, canceling themselves out), that's a "Super Sugar Crush" in the bag. The necessary purple candy is 3 rows above the color bomb. All that was needed was to make the vertical 3-match blue to get it to drop down.

    It's funny. When I first started playing Candy, I too mainly looked to the right and left. Eventually I got the habit of looking up and down too. 😆

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,598 Legend

    Thanks for that. I do think I remember I saw those three blues and thought the same as you did, that this would help me pass @Deryck. I could kick myself for not having taken a screenshot of the next move. I think I was expecting to pass and then something dropped to upset that and the purple dropped down, so the candy on the jelly was the wrong colour again. A red maybe dropped that matched those reds in the second row. In my notes I recorded that I was left one jelly short in both those games. But it's too long ago now and I'm getting old… so I'm not that sure I am afraid.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?