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Connection error

joony Posts: 39

Level 3

hello Does anyone know how to solve the connection error with the application downloaded from the Microsoft Store when I connect with Facebook? It always says connection error come back later and it's been like this for 5 weeks, I wrote to support but I see they're making fun of me and they only give me solutions that I've done before and nothing works, please someone give me a solution?? Thank you.


  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 297

    I have encountered this problem several times before whenever I logout from the Windows CCS app. Manage to login again after a long process of trying but I can't remember exactly how I did it. That's why I am very reluctant to logout from this app.

    Today I decided to logout and try to see if I can login again. Unfortunately, things have changed and I hit a dead end after trying for several hours. Mission failed.

    It used to be a breeze to login 5 or 10 years ago.

    Apparently, the embedded browser in this Microsoft Store app is not supported by Facebook any more.

    Logging-in to Microsoft Store CCS app in the recent years has been a real pain….

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 297

    Anyone has a solution to login Windows 11 CCS app with Facebook account?

  • joony
    joony Posts: 39

    Level 3

    Yo desde 5 semanas no puedo inciar sesion he escrito al supporte y nada se esta riendose de nosotros pero la verdadera problema es de ellos de supporte pero o no quiere resolverlo o simplemente se cachondea de nosotros.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 297

    I believe the problem has been there for months. If I am not mistaken, the last time I did manage to login was through the "Forgotten password" option even thogh I did not forget the password. After getting the "Facebook account recovery code" email, I was able to proceed somehow. Not this time though.

    When you submit the email and password at the initial login page, it just wipes out the password without any other response at all.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 297

    Haha, finally I got a response…… but it doesn't help. They do know that I am trying hard to login.

  • joony
    joony Posts: 39

    Level 3

    Escribe y tu al supoorte aver si escribimos mas al final la soluciona por que yo soy ya harto en cuantas vesces le escrito, son unos sinverguenza y unos buros.

  • Sexxxy85
    Sexxxy85 Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I’ve had this happen to me to and lost gold bars

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 297

    Oh, did you login with email (King account) after the "Continue with Facebook" failed?

    I did that few years ago and lost thousands of gold bars. Not sure if they have fixed the problem, but for sure I won't login with King account again.

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