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Forced to use gold bars

thedove Posts: 4 Newbie

It has gotten to the point that it is EXTREMELY RARE to win a legendary or nightmarishly hard level without using gold bars. In addition, those levels must be played every three or four hands; therefore, I am forced to purchase gold bars in order to keep playing the game. I love playing Candy Crush and I’ve been playing for a long time, but I refuse to be forced to pay this much money to play. I’m not adverse to purchasing gold bars occasionally, but if this continues, Candy Crush will be a part of my past.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,559 Legend

    Hello @thedove This has been going on for some time and it won't change any time soon I fear. To play many legendary levels we need to pay gold bars. To gain gold bars we need to win the episode races. To win the episode races we need gold bars to get past those legendary levels and boosters. I have found that at most level ranges, if I play one episode per day I can probably achieve this balance. If you want to play more episodes than that there won't be enough boosters granted for free to play without paying.

    If you are playing beyond level 15,000 at the moment there is no chance to play without paying unless you have a lot of gold saved up.

    King make gameplay easier just before a major leaderboard event and harder during such events, so when you play also is important. You might be better off pausing while the Music Tournament is ongoing.

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