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😟This isn't a fine moment.So much effort to qualify in Second Chance. So much money spent. And you know what? I could have gone through in the race, if only I had been spending MORE money. I'm sure, because that's how I won the first round. By going over my budget. Not alarming, fortunately, but nevertheless.So competing in 1st Knockout and Second Chance I wasn't intending to repeat that. No way. With losing the Tournament as the result, it appears.
Oh well… I did have fun participating and it was exciting to see my game avatar rise on the board, certainly so in the First Round. Winning that one felt great. It's doubtful though if I'll keep playing CC. The money thing gets worse, more and more players are complaining about that.Pity. It started out so harmless, colorful and cute. I know, I was there in 2012 when my late husband started playing it. A new attractive and unique matching game.you could play for free and if you were any good in it and smart enough, you could build yourself a comfortable stock of game necessities to last for years.How different from now in 2024…
If you made it to the next round in the Music Tournament, congratulations. If not, I feel sorry for you but hope you realise, as I do, that there's more in life than Candy Crush. Much more.
I placed first in the first knockouts and I didn’t play much for a couple days and apparently I had to qualify in second chance after already qualifying and since I didn’t play much during second chance I got a message that my music journey ended there.. wtf I thought second chance is if you didn’t qualify from the get-go?
I didn't get the Music Tournament @Storm15 but I'm not sorry as I wouldn't have played it anyway. I am sorry you got knocked out though, and as you say wise to say bye bye and not keep spending. Yes the game is turning more and more into a pay to pass new levels, so it's just a case of working out the best strategy for ourselves. Good luck with whatever you decide to do 🙂
Thank you @Carol-38 for your kind words. It's also nice an experienced player like you (that's my impression) recognizes my opinion on some less entertaining aspects of CC. The game still looks attractive and is fun to play, but you have to watch out where it takes you.I'll certainly consider how to go on with it from here. In the meantime I have a question about what your telling me in your first sentence. You didn't get Music Tournament? I thought every player everywhere got it. Or is it the same as with other events that appear in your game. That it's depending on things. Like the levels that you've reached, or the way you are playing, for example making purchases or not. I'm curious. Finally I wonder if there's a way to quicly go back to much older levels to play for extra goldbars using Dont Feed The Troll and similar events? Momentarily I don't know how to do it differently than scrolling down my gamemap.Would be great if you could enlighten me on this point. 🙂 Warm regards, Storm15
Hi @Storm15 I am an experienced player, in that I started in 2012 so have seen a lot of changes over the years and managed to stay at the top changing what I do every now and again to manage it. I'm not sure the game is still fun to play but I carry on hoping all the feedback we send will make it fun again. I didn't get the Music Tournament and neither did many others in the Community. We will never find out why can just guess. Some think those at the end of the map got left out maybe because those with more levels to pass would just do so much better. I don't know if that is the reason as I get left out of many things including All Stars, but again I wouldn't even bother with that. 🤣😂 now you are talking to the right person about scrolling to lower levels. No there isn't an easy way of doing it, you just have to constantly flick your finger on the screen, I now use thumb then finger, then turn my screen sideways and flick thumb then finger, then turn my screen upside down etc. Every opportunity I get to ask @QueenB sorry QueenB 😅 but this is another opportunity, I ask if we can have a scroll down feature. And QueenB will tell you I am very persistent, but to date we still haven't managed to get one. Only time will tell and maybe one day 🤞it will happen. So for the time being you will just have to carry on scrolling. What I will say though is I normally get Don't feed the Troll every other week so before I play any level on those days I make sure I have scrolled right back to the level I know I want to play as once you get DFTT you only have 45 minutes to complete it. So for me to scroll as far as I want to be for that if the timer had already started would be a bit panicky. Good luck with everything 😏
Thank you Carol! I'm certainly going to practice my scrolling technique! 😉Thanks also for all the other information. Since I'm an active Community member (just 6 days ago 🤭) I'm beginning to especially like the posts from longtime players, because I myself became acquainted with CC in 2012, only I didn't play as much as my late husband did. He crushed candies almost every day, I only did occasionally, in between playing adventure games like the Myst series, Tomb Raider and the likes. But reading posts from @QueenB, @Alienscar and you (and I guess there are more) gives me a familiar feeling and I'm catching up in CC knowledge.(is it catching up in or catching up with? I'm Dutch, so every now and then I'm doubting my English 🤔) I myself started crushing much more often since the corona lockdowns, and now I'm thinking of maybe quitting CC altogether because of the money. .Maybe if I manage to build a little stash of free boosters and/or goldbars? Don't know. Time will tell.
Hi @Storm15. To offer my perspective on your first question about access to the Music Season tournament, what Carol points out about the tournament excluding players at the end of the map (L17000+) in this Community holds true, but then there's players like myself who aren't so high (mid-3000s) that were also excluded.
My theory is dominant players in past special events have been blacklisted from these current events. Yes, that's the interesting part. This blacklist only happened at a certain point in time. I don't know about everyone, but myself and a few others had been getting the special events all along. It's only with the past year(?) that I stopped getting them, beginning with All Stars, then Candy Cup, now this. If any other Community members have a different experience (i.e., never got the events at all), please chime in.
For illustration, I recall players like @Boybinary collecting well into the millions of candies for past versions of those events, way more than I ever did. Someone generous may feel King is doing this to give other players a chance at earning prizes/boosters considering the same players were always dominating. Myself, I'm more skeptical: they're doing this to deny top players those prizes/boosters/gold bars. Whatever the reason, only King knows. For the record, I don't like it. I see no sense in penalizing players just because they're dedicated/good at the game. (??)
@QueenB I wrote to Player Support inquiring about this exclusion and was dissatisfied with the response I received. I posted a snippet you can find in my Comments history—if the Comments history link issue has been fixed yet anyway. Do tell King they're not fooling anyone, and we can see right through them.
I agree, I think it is 100 percent wrong and should be criminal, I think it's time for a class action case against the A/B testing scam.
Love your word choice. I just had a mental image of Candy Court where all of us aggrieved players bring forth our class-action discrimination lawsuit. 🤣
Who would be Judge? 🤔
Hi @Deryck! Very interesting to read your thoughts about the strategies, motivations, tricks if you like of the CC developers. I share your doubts about them doing things in our favor, more than to their own advantage. And in the case of not giving events anymore to the longtime players in the top levels, I would like to give you a third possible explanation, besides (1) giving people in the lower levels a 'fair' chance to also win larger numbers of boosters and gold and (2) denying the top players those prizes as some kind of punishment.What I'm thinking is that their focus (from the makers/developers/owners of King) is on making more and more money and not so much, if not at all, on the well-being, profit or fair chances of the players. I think their decisions are based on detached calculations. Like, for instance, in the case of a major event:
-Longtime players having reached the highest levels know too much and spend too little. Their dominant position in major events likely will discourage or even chase away players that know less about the game and thus will spend more. Rr-rr-rr ( calculation machine running) outcome: exclude the successful longtime players.-
It's not meant personally (favor or punish players) it's pure profit motive. The more money someone has, the less aware he/she will be of the struggles of a lower class life. They don't think about it. You can read that in books and articles about bankers and other top business persons. They forget about normal life. It simply isn't theirs anymore. So the only thing we can do, I agree with you Deryck, is keep looking right through them. That way we can make the best decisions for ourselves.