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👫 Introducing the New “Friends” Tab in Candy Crush Saga!



  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    I can't believe King are working on new features like this instead of listening to the constant feedback we all keep giving about so many other things that need fixing. Actually I take that back, I can believe king are working on new features instead of listening to constant feedback on other issues, as that is the one thing King do do. And again what is the reason for asking for feedback as the Studio won't take any notice, they will just go ahead and do exactly what they want to do even if it crashes or disrupts players games. Got a feeling I know what's coming next in the friends hub @Alienscar @christinewupp 🫣

  • Trisb
    Trisb Posts: 1

    Level 1

    It’s good, but I’d like to see some improvements. (Please comment below..)

    This new feature is horrible for requesting and giving lives!! I play this game to relax and do not have time to click on each friend to request and give lives. Unless I’m missing something, I just want to click on all and ask for lives as well as request!

  • 4Shepps
    4Shepps Posts: 68

    Level 3

    It’s good, but I’d like to see some improvements. (Please comment below..)

    I can’t seem to find the automatic recommended people to add. I can see my friends and if I press invite friends it takes me to my contacts in my phone . What happened to the list of people that we could choose from .
    Love the new feature of being able to see how may lives people send . Beware people that take lives and don’t sent other people lives you won’t be getting many now . I’ve started to delete people that are selfish .

  • I don't have this new feature.

    I don't have that feature yet...🤨


  • Love it! It’s super helpful and easy to use.

    When I look at other players stats, it's rarely see anyone that sends lives to other players. A notation came up beside my stat that said 'among the very best' in sending lives. How can I be among the very best? (usually 100-200ish). I don't play nearly as often as I used to so it was very surprised at this.

    Let's all make it a habit to send lives and invite friends.

    Iregularly invite new friends from among the ones that are suggested to me on the tab. Having more friends means the possibility of being sent more lives is pretty good. Although after taking note of others that don't hardly send any I'm not so sure about that now lol. By sending and requesting lives my 200 max is almost always full. This is a social game and the more players you interact with the better your own gameplay may be.

    What are your thoughts and actions on sending and requesting lives and adding friends?

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    This "improved" version doesn't even make sense.

    The friends suggestion aspect was removed from mine, yet I got a random add request from:

    How did they even find me?

    Sorry Pooja, your efforts were wasted as:

    King doesn't want me adding new friends.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,871
    Not sure yet,need to explore it more.

    Hi @QueenB thank you very much for the information and to @kiara_wael for the tag I do now have this feature.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,795
    Love it! It’s super helpful and easy to use.

    I really like this feature. It's super easy to use and I love adding new friends to my list. I enjoy playing with friends and miss the old Five friends teams we used to have.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,795
    Love it! It’s super helpful and easy to use.

    I give lives to friends on my list every time I play. I hope others give lives to me

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