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Is ANYTHING still random in Candy Crush???

Ouch! I think this cannot be a coincidence:

In both my test games this morning I am paired with at least five other players in the qualifier leaderboards who have passed an incredibly large number of levels and no player who has passed less than 42. To be fair I joined as soon as the event started so maybe I was paired with a bunch of other enthusiasts. But I only joined because I happened to be playing at that time. I have never been paired in any leaderboard competition with so many top players. I am yet to try and create some statistics on this, but my initial hunch is that players are NOT randomly allocated to the qualifier groups, but according to how many levels we have passed in the previous week. Anyone wishing to share data from their leaderboards on this?


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  • Posts: 11,070
    edited November 2024

    Will follow this up later. Have lost the will to play the game now as the troll has been changed. Too many changes with this latest update for my tastes.

  • Absolutely, it is random if any feature will work from week to week. :D

  • Having gone through the data from four games I definitely think that the distribution of players on the qualifier leaderboards is not random.

    If anyone remembers, during the Music Tournament I was wondering where all the top range players were? We never found out, but they must have been somewhere…..

    Well, this time, my relatively new test game is playing against four players on levels above 16,000, including one player who is at level 17,043 and passed a whopping 718 levels in the past seven days! I had passed 330 levels, so I gather the computers that assign us to groups must have maybe put me in a group with other "suspicious" players. The only low level player is someone at level 389 who had passed 329 levels in the past seven days. No way is this random. The average levels played in the last seven days is 229 for this group!

    My oldest game is at the top of the map, where I had played no levels in the past seven days until today. The opposition here is much more "normal" with players from all level ranges with an average of 68 levels played during the last seven days.

    The other two games are somewhere in between these two extremes. It looks to me that King are manipulating the qualifier groups in a similar way to how they group players in the weekly contest.


    Nothing is random in Candy Crush Saga.

  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Nothing is random. Everything is being manipulated.

    I’ve noticed more recently that I’m being paired with users that play about 20% better than I do (in terms of how many levels I pass per week).

    If they see you winning more, you get Candy Royale less often. When you do get candy royale, they actually limit the amount of gold bars you can win. Then the “top tier” potential wins total gold bar reward also reduces. You also get the super charger less often.

    If you keep playing more levels with super charger, then they make sure your super charger is based on winning 10 levels on first try rather than winning any 10 levels.

    episode race is also manipulated. For example on regular episode race, my win is 20 gold bars. On championship episode race, my win is 30 gold bars. The more I play the more it reduces. I’ve seen 25 gold bars for championship race. Others get 35-45 gold bars when they win championship race.

    how much I purchase things for is also manipulated. When they see you play more, and buy more, they increase the prices.For others 20 hammers, or free change, cost 109 gold bars. For me they cost 169 gold bars.

    Sometimes the tournament's can make you spend more than the actual rewards for example I used 300-400 gold bars to win “top that!” Which the maxima reward was 200 gold bars.

    then they can manipulate easy levels to make them extremely hard like legendary levels and the other way around.

    It’s just what I’ve observed because I play with good strategy without buying anything with actual money. And the more I win, the more they make it difficult they want you to spend more than they give you and force you to spend actual cash.

    I’ll lose interest in no time seeing all this. In the meantime I’m playing what I can.

  • Hello @mohieezy and the warmest of welcomes to the community!!! I mean this as I honestly hope you will hang around and join us in some of the other threads. Everything you write here is what I have experienced in my games. I have been trying to analyse Candy Crush for almost two years now. King change the game so often, but I have recently found the algorithms more and more obvious as the game has evolved from what seems to be a levels based game to an event based game. By this I mean that King use events now to control our playing experience (and how much we spend) on an individual basis. They have in the past called this game a "bespoke" experience. In that way it has changed massively in the past two years. Do check out some of my other threads if you like, it would be great to see you around here again. To check my other posts click on my name to see my profile, which is as always public. Your insights are very valuable and some of them I did not know about, such as the super charger. Do you play just one game or several game like I do? What level are you at?

  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited November 2024

    hello @christinewupp

    thanks for the welcome! Yes I actually checked out some of your past posts a couple of weeks ago. I’ll continue to.

    I just play one game. I’m currently at level 7881. I’ve been very irregular.

    I started a couple of levels before year 2019. Then 2019 March onwards, I cleared up to around 4000 levels or so.

    Then left and returned just very recently about two months ago (or less) where I’ve cleared nearly 3000 levels or so. In between levels 4000-5000 I was just playing one episode race per month or less, usually when I’m getting a haircut.

    That’s about it.

    those days episode races won you 15 gold bars or so. I can’t really recall. But I accumulated up to 1000 gold bars and that’s what I’ve been using to test waters. I’ve got it as low as around 450 bars and been awarded up to 350 gold bars during candy royale on about two or three occasions to help me get it back to 1000.

  • The new version of the Weekly Contest is definitely NOT random in any way. Not that it ever was, but it quite obviously now tracks very closely with what we achieved the previous week. This can be seen by checking the player cards: All other players are very closely matched to myself. These are my data as of the start of the Monday morning reset:

    Game 1: Myself 452 levels passed last seven days

    Opponents levels passed in the previous seven days: 350,344,381,294,525, 221,248

    Game 2: Myself 90 levels passed last seven days

    Opponents: 115,116,117,93,91,83,67 levels passed in last seven days

    Game 3: Myself 45

    Opponents: 58, 53, 51, 35, 42, 37, 41

    The redesign is probably to match us with similar players but since these are real players and the event is live there will still be some reports of cheaters and unfairness as players do not necessarily play the same speed from week to week. But overall I would say this is an improvement.

  • Posts: 11,070
    edited December 2024


  • Posts: 11,070
    edited December 2024


  • Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I observed similar with the weekly contest last week - unsurprisingly it was a ‘week 3’ contest where there was a ‘big prize’ on the line.

    Weeks 1 and 2 I won my contest comfortably without even trying too hard at all - think both weeks were in the sort of 130-160 levels range.

    Week 3 though was a very different story and even passing 330 levels I only finished in 2nd - this third week was considerably harder than the two before it and if I had passed the 130 levels in that week - it woulda put me in last place.

    Defo not random.


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