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Level 1395 saga

Bogey1109 Posts: 3

Level 1

anyone know how to beat level 1395 of saga?? I remove all the belly boxes, but the level still shows I have two jelly’s left and they are nowhere to be found!!!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,021

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. Can you please take a screenshot ?

  • Bogey1109
    Bogey1109 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    here ya go

  • The two jellies are in the boxes above the rest of the board. The one on the right still has frosting covering it. Since you don't have any lollypop hammers you will need to make striped candies in the columns below the jellies to hit them. A wrapped candy/striped candy combo would work even better.

  • Bogey1109
    Bogey1109 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    thank you!!! Passed it. Now

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