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Removal of Flag Button

Alienscar Posts: 16,649

Hello @QueenB @LoFiGummy has the 'Flag' button for reporting spam/off topic posts been removed on purpose or is it a mistake?



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    @QueenB @LoFiGummy any news regarding the missing Flag button?

  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 2,806

    Hi there, this is intentional yes, if you see something that should be reported - feel free to tag one of the game moderators for further assistance.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Thanks @LoFiGummy @QueenB but GMs can't move or edit posts, so I don't see what I would gain from tagging one of them.

  • I think they want us out of the forums now @Alienscar. The loss of the flag button shows just how valued our contributions really are to King.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    I think they want us out of the forums now

    I have given up trying to guess what drives King's actions @christinewupp personally though I think they want out of the forum and they want us to do all of their work.

    The loss of the flag button shows just how valued our contributions really are to King.

    The loss of the flag button makes no sense to me at all. Spam and off topic posts were bad enough when a flag button existed. Now that the flag button has been removed this forum is going to become a mess.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059
    edited December 2024

    Sure, they wanted us to do all their work, and for a time we did, but we have all got fed up lately, even Carol stopped being sweet and welcoming newbies when they changed the troll event to new levels only. Now we've stopped helping them out and doing the job for them and we've stopped being sweet they are struggling to get those posts answered. And yes, with no flag there are spammers who answer posts with nonsense, and then the moderators don't spot those posts so these players never get a half decent answer. I am baffled by the flag removal and by the answer you got that it was intentional. The benefit of the flag button was that it was anonymous. We could alert King to inappropriate posts. Now they want us to post about it and tag the game moderators! I've seen the wrath of spammers. Do I really want these guys to know I reported them???

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    I am baffled by the flag removal and by the answer you got that it was intentional. 

    Well @christinewupp if I am right and King are stepping away from this forum then the removal of the Flag button would make sense. Without a King representative here the Flag button becomes redundant as Moderators and everyone else can't edit or move flagged posts.

  • I take it you saw QueenB's reply to my concerns in Discussions. She didn't really answer cookiemae question of the "why". I think you are probably right about them stepping away. We see less and less of QueenB and few official threads. There is a new automated system of removing spam. The one post I did flag to PummyRaj led to every single post by that person showing up as "content removed" and "unknown". I feel quite bad about that now because I don't think Courtney1990 was malicious but she was not able to express herself very well.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    I feel quite bad about that now because I don't think Courtney1990 was malicious

    Don't feel bad about it @christinewupp because I don't think you flagging one post had anything to do with Courtney's removal.

    Courtney posted a lot of one word responses in the Support board that had nothing to do with the question being asked. PummyRaj warned Courtney about this behaviour and I would guess that was the reason for their removal.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?