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lollipop and free switch pricing

Oichi Posts: 142

we all know that they made the lolipop and free switch more expensive now but… did anyone notice this yet?

instead of increasing the price for the same amount… now it is more expensive PLUS you get less… pathetic.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 9,785

    Yes, I get this offer too in one of my games. It does not actually make much difference in price if you add it all up, but I had to get my calculator out to verify this. It's not easy to see how much each lollipop is at glance. I have no idea why they have changed this. 2 for 20 or 3 for 29 is practically the same.

  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 142

    yeah your right. the original prices are still way better though. 3 for 19 goldbar.

  • SneakyMelonPyroDuck
    SneakyMelonPyroDuck Posts: 46

    Level 3

    They want you to buy 15/20 of them. While still .5 gold more per than the old pricing -38% looks a lot better than -14% or whatever it was before.

    This would be not so bad if the algorithm did not just factor the hammers in to make you use them.

  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 142

    yeah, the algorihm rigging the boards so you are just short of winning and a lollipop or a free switch could let you win… and then change the pricing for the lollipops and free switches…. kinda sus

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 9,785

    This would be not so bad if the algorithm did not just factor the hammers in to make you use them.

    Yes they did exactly that @SneakyMelonPyroDuck . I noted that my gold balance stagnated throughout levels 500 through to 2000, up to where each and every level has been rewritten in the past few months. I suspect King have done this to carefully balance out the number of levels players are allowed to pass without boosters, the gold required for boosters or bars for extra moves necessary to pass those levels rigged to fail and the potential gold income from Candy Royale, episode race and chocolate box etc. Unfortunately in doing so they have made the game so boring only the fools thinking they can win real money from the game are likely to keep playing that far into the game. Essentially they have left a computer to run the place now. Computers can balance the books but aren't so good at factoring in the fun factor.

    Sad times.

  • T0rr1e
    T0rr1e Posts: 262

    The offer in my game is slightly different but still adds up to the same amount. Maybe King thinks we cannot add up.

    The offer is the same for hand switches.

  • zübeyde_
    zübeyde_ Posts: 127

    Hello. Let's not complain at all. We continue the game anyway, and King knows this very well.

  • Tedykhaan&Momy
    Tedykhaan&Momy Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Oh. thanks my friend

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