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Level 2098

CalebMurdock Posts: 21

Level 3

Level 2098 needs keys to win it, but I don't see how to get to the keys.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited January 11

    Hello @CalebMurdock Does your level look like mine?

    If yours looks like mine then those liquorice boxes do not need to get unlocked at all. They don't really have a function except that they block striped candies from penetrating through them. There are no keys needed on this level.

    Level 2098 is a level that has very recently been changed by King and the chocolate order has been removed and replaced with a frosting order. So I cannot find a video of this version on YouTube and the level seems to not play as originally intended and it does seem unusually difficult to pass.

    I repeatedly get into a situation like this:

    At this point the only way to get to the frosting is with striped candies or a wrap/stripe combo.

    I did eventually manage to pass on my 8th or 9th attempt. You need to break the frosting underneath just one of the portals, so a striped candy hitting the same column three times will open up the frosting and allow some of the lucky candies to drop and after that matches next to the frosting will be possible. I would recommend you concentrate just on one side. You do not need to remove all the frosting to pass.

    Here are some screenshots to illustrate how I passed this level:

    The combo of orange and green stripe will hit upwards at the single frosting, which has two more layers to remove.

    A few moves later I get this wrap/stripe combo to remove the last layer and the lucky candies can then drop down the portal.

    As they drop through it now becomes possible to remove frosting by matching candies next to them. The lucky candies change into more frosting making it easy from here to fulfil the order.

    The purple match of four now wins the game for me.

    Good luck!

  • CalebMurdock
    CalebMurdock Posts: 21

    Level 3

    Thanks, that was helpful. I finally broke through it.

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