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How can delete king account

Empress mcute
Empress mcute Posts: 2

Level 1

Delete king account


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,964

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Your player profile is crucial as it saves your progress, any items you've purchased like Gold Bars, and, if you have a King account, your purchase history and friends list.

    Please Note: Deleting your data is permanent and cannot be undone. Before you decide to delete your account, remember that you will lose all your progress, your King friends list, and any items you've purchased or received for free. If you decide to return later, you will need to start over from level one.


    Steps to Delete Your Account:

    For Mobile Users:

    • Please tap on “Delete My Account” at the bottom of this article.
    • We will confirm your request via email and provide the necessary details to proceed with the deletion.

    For Desktop Users:

    • Access the Help Center in your King game:
      • Windows app: Settings > Question Mark
      • If you only play on Facebook: Click on FAQ at the bottom of the game board.
    • Click on "Privacy & Terms".
    • Select "How do I delete my player account?".
    • Go to "Legal & Privacy" and then "Permanently delete my account".

    Upon receiving your confirmation through these steps, we will begin the process of removing all your player information from our records.

    If You Do Not Have a King Account: If you don’t have a King account registered, we do not store your personal information. In this case, you can simply delete the app from your device.

  • Chubbs63
    Chubbs63 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I don’t see a place that says delete my account. I’m having a lot of issues king has been working with me to delete some of my accounts the problem I’m having is all

    Of a sudden none of my passwords are working I’ve changed them they still don’t work so I made more accounts but they didn’t work either so I can’t get in to them

    To delete them separately so delete the one above andd delete

    If who’s ever in charge can u please delete these accounts king told me since I can’t get in to my accounts to put them on this one that I can get into but I want this one deleted to that I’m in now. They know all about this none of my passwords are working and they don’t know why they investigated it and just came up with this and if u can’t delete them from here then send me a messsge here and tell

    Me u can’t do I can tell them thanks. Lynne

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