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Level 17092

Ranazoweil_1221 Posts: 2

Level 1

i want help plz to pass this level because you have decreased the moves from 34 to 24 i dont onow the reason yet?!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Ranazoweil_1221🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    Did you see 34 moves on the level in YouTube videos? If so, those videos were created when the level was released, which was last year!

    Game Studios usually tend to change the level design or decrease moves from time to time! That could be the reason you do have 24 moves in your game!

    Let me give a shout out to one of Community Friend @christinewupp and see if they have any tips to pass this level!

    If you have any other questions in the meantime, please type below❄️☃️

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,059
    edited January 10

    Hello @Ranazoweil_1221 As PummyRaj stated the YouTube videos are not showing the latest version of levels. King change levels every week. In my experience they make the last 1500 levels of the game extra hard to pass so that those players who have never spent any money on the game will spend all their saved up gold bars and then either start paying real money in the effort to catch up the end of the game or drop out.

    I cannot give you any specific advice for this level. Here is a screenshot of my opening board, which also has 24 moves like yours.

    It is clear from this screenshot that this level requires boosters to start with to open up that board. A double colour bomb as a first move might be very useful here. So I think will you need to have both win streak and starting boosters to pass this level. Players who have lost their win streak should play a party popper early on in this level. This is how far I got with no boosters!:

  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 378

    Christine, you are so right about the levels after 15000. So many levels need boosters or gold bars to pass. Even ones that are not marked "hard or worse." They developers want us to fail so that we will have to use up our boosters to pass. They have taken the enjoyment out of the game. We don't mind difficult levels; but we want reasonable ones that will luck and skill we can pass. Thanks for your comments and help.

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