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What Would you rather

zeus77 Posts: 52

Level 3

Hello all, one quick question. Would you prefer using boosters (colour bomb, wrapped candy, fish) to pass a level or gold coins. Even after using all three above booster I'm unable to pass certain levels, so im forced to use gold coins which i hate.

Ps - this is my second account my main account is different from this.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited February 20

    I prefer using boosters. It is just more satisfying. However it is also the more costly method I believe. A lollipop costs a minimum of 6 gold, so even using just two of these is more costly than using 10 gold bars.

    I find it a shame that King make the purchase of boosters with gold so expensive that we would be better off just paying to bypass the hardest levels. The game would be more fun, and spending real money on it would therefore be better value for money, if the balance was in favour of using boosters.

    However, what you mention are starting boosters. Those are definitely my choice for each first attempt because this is how the game is designed to be played. The algorithm for our first attempt at most levels takes into account if we play starting boosters and will place these on our starting board in specific places. We will all, by definition, have one colour bomb on our starting boards on our first attempt of any level from our win streak. The game design for our first attempt may pair this colour bomb with a pre level booster we play, and if we get lucky it will land next to our own colour bomb for a combo, or next to the striped or wrapped candy. Where exactly these boosters start off in relation to the others is determined by King and our best chance of passing any level is if we use starting boosters on our first attempt. If you fail your first attempt your starting boosters are likely to be wasted. If you fail then definitely you might as well replay the level with no boosters until you pass with 10 gold bars.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Woah your insights in this game is astonishing. What you've mentioned are facts. As you said even after using the boosters in first attempt in certain levels of games I'm unable to pass. In those scenarios I have no option but to use gold bars. So in total I'm using boosters as well as gold bars which is a huge loss.

    Also help me with this. Say for example I'm playing some 2000 odd levels which mentions legendary level so before playing i choose all three boosters hoping to pass that level in my first try. But i fail so for the second and third time i fail as well. So overall I'm using 3 colour bombs, 3 wrapped candy, 3 fish booster. Still fail. On my fourth attempt i use all 3 boosters and gold bars. I play like this only for some other so tough levels. Could you assist me or throw some insights/tricks as what to do in the above mentioned levels.

    Advance Thanks for helping me.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited February 20

    Don't play starting boosters on every attempt. They are wasted. They rarely help on second, third or subsequent attempts. Only play them on your first attempt. Just play with no boosters until the game offers you enough moves to pass with ten gold bars. Not all players get the feature of increasing offered moves after each failed attempt, but I think nearly all do so you probably see that each time you fail the game offers you more and more moves for 10 gold bars? If you wait until the game offers you 35 extra moves for 10 gold bars you will not need any boosters at all. So don't waste them.

    Tip: Once you have enabled a starting booster the game will automatically show this booster with a green tick mark for your next attempt. On the pre level screen you need to click on the green tick to disable the booster.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 130

    I will say I always prefer boosters to gold bars, but that is because I use lots of ads to build boosters through Sweet Cinema. For my most recent 60-level run to get to the end of the map, I used only free switches, lollipop hammers, and about 15 striped paintbrushes (and of course starting color bombs and striped-wrappeds, which are also free through ads) to get through them all, with no UFOs or party boosters, and I had earned all of the free switches and lollipop hammers by watching ads. So if you don't count the ad watching as an expense (which admittedly, it kind of is, but I don't think of it that way since I'm doing other things while running the ads), using the boosters earned through ads is WAY cheaper than using gold bars. @christinewupp 's calculations are valid, but only if you don't treat the free switches and lollipop hammers as free, which I do. So I guess it all depends on how you play.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    What you're saying is after choosing boosters for nightmarishly hard levels in the first attempt and i fail. So i don't choose the boosters for the same levels for next try until I get enough moves to use 10 gold bars. Thankyou.

    Sorry to bother you more on this. Previously from another account I was able to send more than 50 lifes at a time. But now king team has disabled that feature. I get barely 5 to 6 lifes per day from friends. So as you've mentioned it above as to wait until I get enuf moves to win a level i lose on my precious lifes. Once I run out of all my lifes I'll have to wait 30 mins for a new life. Help me with this.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Adding on to the previous question. If i fail knowingly to get enuf moves to win a level and run out of lifes i wait until I get new lifes. In the meantime if I win 2nd or 3rd in the episode race I'm pushed back to only boosters for 5 mins and i lose my gold bars. Currently once I finish 15 levels I get 30 gold bars and 5 mins of booster time. Once i lose episode race then i have to start over from 20 gold bars ( that is if I win in the first place) and then gradually move to 25 and 30 gold bars to win an episode race.

    LAFFO CHRIS Posts: 28

    Level 3

    I hate it when I have been stuck on a level for ages and keep getting stuck one move short and eventually have to use 10 bars out of frustration

  • garden1224
    garden1224 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I would the opportunity to use the coconut wheel more often. Maybe put it available with the lollipop and other boosters.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited February 22

    Hi @zeus77 I'm not sure which question you meant but I think it must be that you don't get enough lives from friends to win every episode race. It's not easy early on in the game, I agree. Which level are you playing right now?

    One way to gain many friends is to look at all the players on your map screen and invite as many as you can to be your friend, if they are active and send lives. That information is visible on the player card. Also make sure you accept any friends that King recommend for you in your game and go through the list of recommended friends (under Friends and "add"). Make sure you request and send lives each day from/to all your friends.

    Try this link to add me to your friends list:

    Ignore the Facebook. It should open up in your game regardless which way you play. I don't have Facebook myself.

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