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  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 87

    Level 3

    level 17350 classed as legendary, pay to pass in other words, with 35 moves not actually achievable to collect the orders required to pass 🤷‍♀️

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Why do you play a game that is boring you so much? I don't get it. It's not going to change back to how it used to be. We all have to accept that. It's very frustrating but this is the way King run the game now and it's pay to pass. I can't see the point of refusing to pay (as you have the gold bars to do so) and sit there being bored and complain. It really doesn't make sense. Either play the game the way it's meant to be played (i.e. gain gold from episode races and choc box etc and spend it pay your way out of impossible levels) or delete the app. I suggest you do the latter.

  • sigginummer1
    sigginummer1 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Ich versuche ja auch, meine Goldbarren etwas zu sparen, in der Hoffnung, dass mal wieder ein kleines Extra Event erscheint. Doch manchmal braucht es halt Gold. Hatte das Spiel nochmal neu gestartet, und die Level sind schwerer geworden und/oder haben weniger Züge

  • sigginummer1
    sigginummer1 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Aber mal im Ernst: gibt es keine Events mehr???

  • sigginummer1
    sigginummer1 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Ich kann es kaum glauben: habe nach vielen Wochen plötzlich wieder bonbon royal 😀 das freut mich.

  • dionisia
    dionisia Posts: 46

    Level 3

    El nivel 9530 es imposible de pasar es muy difícil, me tiene aburrida

  • Nan_68
    Nan_68 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Son pocos los eventos en los niveles altos para conseguir oro , niveles muy complejos y competencias desleales con cuentas recién iniciadas acaparando puntaje en competencias sin distinción de jugadores

  • Nan_68
    Nan_68 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Son pocos los eventos en los niveles altos para conseguir oro , niveles muy complejos y competencias desleales con cuentas recién iniciadas acaparando puntaje en competencias sin distinción de jugadores

  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 87

    Level 3

    level 17380 with 34 moves just not possible, the amount of levels like this is just getting ridiculous, don’t expect to play for free but not prepared to pay to pass nearly every level, can’t pass levels so can’t fill bank so can’t buy boosters, the game has stopped making sense 🤷‍♀️

  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 87

    Level 3

    level 17383 with 32 moves so blatantly obvious this level can’t be passed not even an attempt to make it even nearly passable ….. be prepared to be very bored for a very long time 🥱🥱

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