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I Have a Spring in My Step

Pyrospring Posts: 49

Level 3

edited March 9 in Discussions

Well that was rather unexpected. Spring came early this year.

Da Rules:

  1. Extra turns allowed
  2. No buying gold
  3. No Hints
  4. Must get to 66 with no lost lives
  5. 6 hour sessions, min 1 a day when possible (Try, but not required)
  6. Rage less, crush more
  7. Zen through Spearmint Snowstorm, I was so hoping and praying that it would not appear haha
  8. When a bug happens, extra coconut wheel and such, try not to take advantage of it when possible, but do not restart the level due to it either
  9. Will use extra turns even when the wrong candies spawn at the end of the level

Day 1 (to 66)

  1. Avatar started as, seriously what is this one? Changed to
  2. Got a slightly different egg
  3. Level 31 was a bit of a nail biter, not sure why but it always is for me.
  4. Starting boosters messed up 65 as normal, but I think they have updated it to give way more special candies in response. Clearing it was no issue in the end.
  5. Spearmint Snowstorm started at 66 but has been pretty kind so far.
  6. The game seems to be behaving much better. No bugs so far.
  7. The game is not in hardcore mode and I am not getting constant "hard" levels.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,094

    I've just had a go at level 167. I followed all the recommended moves to the last move and passed on my first try. This I guess is the way King now guide newbies through the game. They should keep "hints" turned on and they will pass. It's all a bit automated, not fun of course.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 6

    This will be the chum bucket, were I will store all the info I have about fish.

    Organize this later.

    Depending on the level type they are actually quite beneficial or utterly awful.

    1. Square makes one and they also appear randomly like other special candies.
    2. Two fish make three, they had a baby… lol. One could say the mother fish had a jelly belly…
    3. In general order seems to be jelly > anything more than 1 layer > 1 layer licorice >= frosting 1 layer > special candies unless the candy would affect the requirements. This is in general as there do seem to be some variations like if a Gummi Dragon is in a licorice cage and there are no Gummi Dragons not in cages/above the cage.
    4. Special Candy + Fish = 1 special fish.
    5. They are smart. They will clear directly under Gummi Dragons.
    6. When combined with special candies they are usually smart… ish.
    7. I think they act a little like an auto hint, make the best move possible in general.
    8. They are terrible if you need tons of fish in general for a level.
    9. Color bomb and fish is really strong now.
    10. Fish can stop being "smart" on the last turn. This is the game actually overriding them and making you lose. The same thing happens with UFOs if used on the last turn. For the fish this would be a fish say, eating a frosting that would make a move that would make a combo or the like that would win the level. Last turn fish are 50/50 on this. If it is something like clearing under a Gummi Dragon it seems to work all the time.
    11. Fish will totally ignore Toffee Swirls.
    12. Fish ignore do not prioritize jelly jars.
    13. Fish target Milk Chocolate < special candies.

    Note: Again point 3 it is in general as there seem to be some other factors that can change the order.

    Further analysis

    1. They are great on levels with no jelly where the old fish were useless or non existent. Level 154 is much easier as example.
    2. They are good on where there are corner moves and such that really sucked before.
    3. They are terrible on levels that require many fish or multiple special candy boosted fish.

    Two things I noticed with regards to the fish

    1. Since they target immediately now, if the blocker is cleared by something else, cascade match or special candy effect after the fish is launched, the fish potentially is wasted. Doubt much can be done about though.
    2. Fish that have been matched with a special candy still sometimes suicide into licorice having no effect at all. Old fish did this as well.
    3. Fish do not go after the red candy requirement on 182. So that seems to be either a limitation or incorrect functionality.

    • The fist is when you combine with a striped or wrapped and the fish. This will always make a move that sets up the next move regardless if the fish itself seems to do anything useful.

      I had a situation with 3 single layer bubble gum in a row left and made a fish + striped match. It as expected made a move that set up the next move for the win. This is of course very awkward for the player as the fish could have finished off the level had I not matched with a special candy.

      Earlier in the level this is not bad but for a last required move it feels really off and it really makes it seem like that striped or wrapped + fish is useless.
    • Fish will ignore the highlighted purple candy.0
    • Fish are targeting backwards with consideration to the Rainbow Twist. They target it like all other blockers, while for the Rainbow Twist the mechanic should be the fish targeting the lowest layer stacks not the highest.
    • Fish do not target keys or they are very low priority.
  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 7

    Names of accounts. I might update a few names to match what they were originally but I suspect at least half of the accounts with the original names are broken due to the email validation bug.

    Anyway plan to at least link all the Adventures so I have a nice reference.


  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 4

    Clean up extra posts

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 4

    What I was trying to say at the time: "Cannot edit as the posts basically just delete themselves."

    Seems to be fixed now. Also looking at the posts in the dev tools. See if I can pick out why they were dying. ie the errant code.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 2

    @QueenB Even More

    Two things I noticed with regards to the fish

    1. Since they target immediately now, if the blocker is cleared by something else, cascade match or special candy effect after the fish is launched, the fish potentially is wasted. Doubt much can be done about though.
    2. Fish that have been matched with a special candy still sometimes suicide into licorice having no effect at all. Old fish did this as well.
    3. Fish do not go after the red candy requirement on 182. So that seems to be either a limitation or incorrect functionality.

    Broken levels

    1. Level 90 - 20 turns down to 16. Pure lucky level fodder.
    2. Level 114 - 20 turns down to 16. Last dragon appears on the board on the last turn.

    Bad levels

    1. Level 167. The change from fish to stripped candy generators actually makes the level much harder as it generally requires a lot of fish or luck with colour bombs. I don't get the impression it was intended to get harder.

    The reduction in turns on some of the harder levels is pushing the limits too much. The new fish do not make up for a loss of 1-3 turns since more turns = more cleared = more options and in 1-3 turns the board can dramatically change in how crowded it is.Also pushing so much on the early levels still seems a bad idea for making money.

    OMG this forum, just delete all the ones in the mod q-u-e-u-e (the forum does not like this word)

    As to day two…

    1. The late 200s and early 300s are just a joys as always. One of those spots where one tried to not waste too much gold.
    2. Also running into less "turn adjusted" levels which is nice. King over did it as usual on removing turns.
    3. Spearmint Snowstorm has been a mixed bag, about 60% end up as pay to pass so far, better than last time.
    4. Not been bothering to try and save the double colour bomb. Costing less gold letting it go when the game decides to take it away, usually the first legendary level you hit haha.
    5. Being able to make fish squares has been useful. I have done it on a number of levels now. Been a more, last turn, make fish and pass situations than I would have expected.
    6. Sailing to the win in sweet sailing, over 1 million so that 75 goollllllllld is mine.
  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,094

    Some very useful information here as usual @Pyrospring . As you are doing so well in Sweet Sailing (congratulations) is there any chance you could note down the purple score you achieve for exactly one episode? I'm trying to assess if the maximum purple scores per episode are different since the introduction of fishes. Have fun and good luck winning the event.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 3

    2 episodes 104520 total, 52260 per episode or ~116 per level. Also since I use 6 hours endless lives I rush levels and don't take advantage of 9x9s.

    Sunday wrap up, Weekend wrap up, Week one wrap up and that's a wrap for this… joke?

    1. Sundays of late have been neutral as far as the game difficulty goes.
    2. Sunday does seem to be the day that the game allows you to keep the double colour bomb the longest.
    3. Got the double colour bomb on 430 so that was basically ideal.
    4. One thing I noticed about fish is that the cake does not wipe fish out like other boosters.
    5. On day one I actually managed to clear past 225 from 66 in the first 6 hour session. By far the best I have done.
    6. End of the day got past 500 so finally done with the boring sections
    7. Effective results for my Sweet Sailing, I expected 75 gold bars would get a little more competition
    8. Did manage to clear all three Don't Feed The Troll. Interestingly they all kinda played out the same. Regardless if it was 2200, 2500, 2800, none of them really felt any easier or harder.
  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,094
    edited March 3

    Thanks for answering my question. This is very much in line with what I have found. I collected purples for one episode at level 5400ish and scored about 51,000. I have found that all episodes up to a certain level score about the same. I did scroll back to play one episode in the 6000-9000 range, and I won't say which one here in case King will take a look at it, but I managed to score 2833 purple with no multiplier for that episode, so it would have been a whopping 85,000 in a real like scenario. (So I think @MannyFae you were right that those ranges are still much better and the new fishes also don't seem to affect the scores) The fact I had no win streak boosters and few of the levels were first attempt passes might have affected the score though. Some episodes King have not nerfed yet but most now have controlled colour output I think. The observation of your orange candy Don't feed the Troll seems to suggest that this is indeed so. I have found that one episode is not enough to block the troll, but it can be done in 45 minutes. I wonder if those players who get the 3200 orange version are at level ranges with a higher output and that King know about this and so dish out different versions of the event accordingly.

    Congratulations on your easy win in Sweet Sailing. The winners in my games were also around the 500,000 mark, so that seems to be what players are prepared to do for this rather paltry award. Also I suspect that there are pacemaker agents introduced by King into these leaderboards. I have seen some players that remind me of the new Weekly Race competitors King have introduced for us. For example in my leaderboard here:

    The person in second place is a new player, just like those in the Weekly Race. It would not surprise me if these were pacesetters introduced by King to make sure that Autmn at the top has to work for the win.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 49

    Level 3

    edited March 5

    Nothing too interesting but

    1. I had to go back and replay level 10 to get the piggy bank to trigger. Had to chuckle at that one.
    2. Also my worst Spearmint Snowstorm took ~40 additional turns. That was insane.

    @QueenB I did notice a few more mechanics with the fish that are awkward.

    1. The first is when you combine with a striped or wrapped and the fish. This will always make a move that sets up the next move regardless if the fish itself seems to do anything useful.

      I had a situation with 3 single layer bubble gum in a row left and made a fish + striped match. It as expected made a move that set up the next move for the win. This is of course very awkward for the player as the fish could have finished off the level had I not matched with a special candy.

      Earlier in the level this is not bad but for a last required move it feels really off and it really makes it seem like that striped or wrapped + fish is useless.
    2. The second is that fish will not target candies under dragons if there is a gap like when there is a gap and hole under the dragon. The fish do not see the candy on the other side of the hole as a target.
      Fish will ignore the highlighted purple candy.0
    3. Fish are targeting backwards with consideration to the Rainbow Twist. They target it like all other blockers, while for the Rainbow Twist the mechanic should be the fish targeting the lowest layer stacks not the highest.
    4. Fish do not target keys or they are very low priority.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?