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Level 10574 BROKEN!

lenaznap Posts: 2

Level 1

I've completed the level twice, used gold, and it just freezes with fish generating forever and ever until I close the app! When I reopen it doesn't recognize it is a completed level and I cannot progress. Help!


  • junebug78
    junebug78 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    I have had this happen as well but on a different level! Very upsetting since I used gold bars that I purchased just to lose them it’s very frustrating

  • lenaznap
    lenaznap Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I've been trying to repeat the level without using gold, keep using lives. Trying to avoid the position of the frog that creates unlimited fish doesn't break what I need to break to win LOL

  • junebug78
    junebug78 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    I wish I had an It seems like they have a What’s frustrating is the lives that we’ve wasted and money that has been used to purchase gold wasted they will probably never reimburse us. glitch. answer for the both of us. I will keep an eye out if I see anything else on this I will comment back.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 913

    Hello @lenaznap

    I managed to pass this level by removing the frog from the conveyor belt and putting it near the bobbers. By doing this, the infinite generation of fish can be avoided.

    Still, this level clearly has a glitch and doesn't work correctly with the new fish mechanic. I suggest you report this level to Player Support.

    It's best to contact Support via the game app. Open the game and go to the settings menu (cogwheel icon). There tap the '?' icon, then select New Levels/Level Help. Choose any of the topics there and scroll down until you see 'Contact Us' at the bottom. You will receive an automated email at first. Reply to that email and explain your problem, include a screenshot if possible.

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