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Levels that have been ruined by the new fishes



  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 314

    I'm on windows and I have the new fish. I'd be happy to trade with you.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 69

    Level 3

    I am on windows and they are the new way. I am up to date on patches and such. Not that that means much weird stuff has being going on for me, tomorrow they could be back to their old way. They seem to be tweaking stuff daily.

    Today I had tons of levels showing as pink when they were still objectively their old versions even have a SS of a level on the map on Sunday showing Nightmarish and today it was "normal", it was still just as hard.

    No clue what is going on.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,139

    Are you really still getting three fishes swim off the page and come back??? I think you must be the only one @cookiemae. I have long suspected that your account is "special" in some way. I honestly thought that the fishes have been changed for every player.

  • Milton_W
    Milton_W Posts: 25

    Level 3

    1051. Not impossible or anything, but the level doesn't make sense anymore. You used to have to use striped combo's to take out fish, now you can just keep combining fish…

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,139
    edited March 11

    This is a great example @Milton_W ! I love the way we can see how the mechanics of the level have been changed and how King fix the algorithm to determine how many attempts it will take to pass using which boosters. Thanks for pointing this one out. I'll make it into a demonstration here of how the algorithm works:

    Starting board:

    The moves suggested by the game are always the same: hit two fishes together. The first move will always clear the marmalade over two stripes.

    All of the following move suggestions are to continue to bash two fish together. They will go for the triple, then the double, then the single layers of frosting at the bottom. Until this point:

    Once the gaps appear the striped candies will drop and other colours drop from the top, apparently at this point the algorithm will decide if we get lucky, if we get close or if we get nowhere near passing. It is determined by what drops with the next move, again striking two fish together.

    At this point I might have used a hand switch to create a wrap/stripe combo and that would probably have helped to pass, but I chose to continue following hints, and failed. I continued to replay until my lives were spent and the fishing boat came up offering me timed fish and wrap/stripes. I was getting closer with this. In the next attempt I added a colour bomb and again followed the recommended moves.

    At this point the game tells me to make the colour bomb/stripe combo and leads me to victory. I follow the suggested moves entirely to the end and passed:

    It's a great example to demonstrate how see-through these algorithms are and how King fix the outcome. And also how the more intelligent version of this level has been dumbed down. The mere fact that simply following the move suggestions will lead to victory is the ultimate dumbing down of Candy Crush.

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 552
    edited March 11

    These levels sucked pre fish anyways. Literally no level in this game has been fun since 2021

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 552

    I don't know how people don't switch to royal match, that game has levels properly designed around a square powerup mechanic

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,139

    Level 2098 is behaving weirdly:

    The original mechanic was fun. That used to involve chocolate and was quite challenging.

    The changed version with just frosting was too much of a challenge for some players, the new fish would have made it even harder to pass. The new fishes would normally go for lucky candy, turn it into frosting which would have made this level impossible to pass as frosting cannot fall down the portals. So in order to stop this from happening King have apparently suspended the normal rules of Candy Crush for this level: The fish eat the lucky candies, turn them into frosting and eat the frosting all in one single stroke. This is NOT how lucky candy works! It's not how fishes work either. Each time a fish eats a lucky candy the order for frosting goes down by the count of one. No need to open up the portals at all now. Strange.

    Above shows the fish ready to swim up to get that lucky candy in the top row when I hit it with the green stripe.

    The fish should have turned the lucky candy into a frosting, but there is no frosting, though the count has gone down by one.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?