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I can't take the credit for that. The thought never occurred to me at all. It was posted about in this community by others at All Stars 2023 and has been mentioned by others since.
OOPS! It wasn't me! It was someone in Support, one of the Game Experts who posted about this link! I was wondering if they'd made a blunder as there had been no official announcement yet. I guess we'll have to wait until Monday now. The page is all gone now.
I did note down the dates though before they disappeared: All the rounds are running from Thursday to Monday mornings, one week apart. Starting on 21 March -24th for the qualifiers. Then each weekend with the 2nd final knockouts 17th to 21st April (Easter). The third final knockouts were scheduled for Saturday 26th to Sunday 27th April.
If you were wondering if you were on King's naughty list… well now there is no question 😁
Also that poor game expert, assuming it was a guy, they are gonna have to get Yeti's manbun and no one would wish that on their worst enemy.
What is the prize break down
Hmm…… if it is a real person it's surely a "she" given the name. I have been suspecting that the game experts that have appeared in the community this winter are AI programs enlisted to aid the overwhelmed moderators by taking over the more mundane and technical queries. So far I thought they'd done a good job mostly. Anyone interested where this info originated this is the post:
There was no mention at all about prizes in the info. It said the live final would be held in California around 11th June I think. We'll just have to wait now for the official information.
A share of $1,000,000 according to today's pop-up
You might yet be right @Pyrospring . I don't see any sign of any star shaped candies or the warm up collection in my game. If I somehow did end up on the blacklist then "angry" will not be a strong enough word to describe my reaction.
Are you all seeing the special candies and the warmup event? My two test games have both got them.
I've got the warm-up. 3000 purple candies to get a fish booster and some star points. This is on windows.