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Free boosters

Kathym1993 Posts: 3 Newbie
my husband has gotten 30 free gold bars at least twice and had the option to watch short videos to get free lives. How can I get those great boosters?

Best Answer

  • chuck38
    chuck38 Posts: 29 Level 2
    Answer ✓
    My wife also has the ability to get free boosters by watching a short video/advertisement. I don’t have that option. She has been playing for about 4 years and I have only been playing for about 2. We both use iPads to play the game. 


  • chuck38
    chuck38 Posts: 29 Level 2
    Answer ✓
    My wife also has the ability to get free boosters by watching a short video/advertisement. I don’t have that option. She has been playing for about 4 years and I have only been playing for about 2. We both use iPads to play the game. 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    edited March 2019
    Hello @Kathym1993 and chuck38,

    Hearty Welcome to the Candy Crush Saga section of our friendly King Community :)

    @Kathym1993, First of all, I would like to make sure that you are talking about the game "Candy Crush Saga".  I have been playing the game from more than 5 years and I have not received that many Gold Bars in any event till now!!  Probably your husband is playing "Sugar Drop Challenge" and gaining 2-3 Gold bars per win??  Except for that event, there is no other source to gain that many Gold Bars at once in Candy Crush Saga!!!  
    Can you please confirm about that?  After receiving more details from you, I can try to find out more!!

    With regards to the "Free Videos", most of the players are still having the issue with "Ads for Free Videos" as it is not solved completely.  Hence, only some percentage of the players are receiving the Ads in their Mobile devices.  Once, the issue gets resolved completely, all of the players can receive those useful Ads :+1::+1:

    And @chuck38, the facility of getting the Ads does not depend on how long we have been playing.... hence, you do not have to worry about that at all =)

    Hope this answered your Question!  To reply back, please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below and tag me with @ and my name (no space in between, just like how I wrote your name), so that I can receive a notification about your reply.

    Thank you & have a nice day/evening! 
  • Kathym1993
    Kathym1993 Posts: 3 Newbie
    His is Candy Crush Saga. I’ve checked, to make sure his is the same as mine. I’m at level 1917 and he’s not far behind and he has been ahead of me several times. We both have been playing for a long time. For some reason he keeps getting the short 30 second videos to get a free life. I can’t believe he’s gotten the 30 free gold bars, he actually got one of those today and showed me. 
  • Kathym1993
    Kathym1993 Posts: 3 Newbie

    I responded to your comment above 
  • chuck38
    chuck38 Posts: 29 Level 2
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    Hello again @Kathym1993, I will get back to you by tonight (Michigan, USA time).
    Thank you & have a great rest of the day/evening :+1:

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