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Level 854

This is another level that has been changed.  Looks like it used to have 35 moves.  Now it has just 12 moves & is impossible.  What is the reason for a change like this?

Describe your question in more detail here (at least 40 characters please)



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    Hi Revjanp, thank you for writing us here at King Care. I have seen a lot of complaints here from the players regarding the number of moves for a specific level. I have created a list of these complaints and forward this to a King Admin who then forwards it to the studio. I will add your message to the list.

  • 7ukas
    7ukas Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Dear ELSA, i have the same problem like Revjanp. Could you tell me when you expext solution for that? Can we be compensated for bugged levels allowing only 12 moves? 

    I used boosters to pass this level. Now that I know they're bugged do I get my boosters back?

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    edited March 2019

    Hi @7ukas, I was told to forward this message to all players who are unhappy about the number of moves being lowered.

    This is the reason why you have less moves:  I have seen a lot of complaints here from the players regarding the number of moves for a specific level. I will forward your message to a King Admin.

  • alanshkim
    alanshkim Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please change the point breakdown for this level. It is absolutely impossible to get 3 stars witb only 12 moves and with the UFO breaking all the jellys. 

    500000 for 3 stars, really....?
  • FLaranjinho
    FLaranjinho Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I think in general all levels should have more moves, it is very difficult to pass the levels. I'm unmotivated.
  • aurora.iris
    aurora.iris Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Yeah, please nerf this level for the 3 stars, either by reducing the 3 stars score threshold (e.g. to 240,000 points) or adding more moves (e.g. 40 moves). I have used a lot of boosters on this level but still can't win the 3 stars. The highest score I can get is just around 260,000.
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    For those players in the earlier half of this thread and anyone reading in the same boat, I didn't play the new version of this level with 12 moves, but it seems the level was reworked to force players to use boosters. The easy way to pass it, I imagine, is to use hammers on both UFOs in order for you to activate them. The UFOs should open all popcorn right away, setting off the freed color bombs in the process and clearing most of the jellies. For ease, you can start the level with the fish booster too.

    @aurora.iris I'm not sure how the new HTML5 platform calculates points in jelly levels, but back when I played this level on the old Flash platform at (, I got the 3 stars (proof below). The reason is if you use a color bomb on a candy color in a lot of jelly, the points multiply exponentially. I notice the jelly levels in my play of the Windows 10 app, for instance, doesn't work the same way. So if you want your 3 stars, I recommend playing on the site, which has the old versions of levels to boot - meaning this level still has 35 moves there. If you do try, just note that unlike what I said above, here it's best NOT to have the UFOs set off the freed color bombs automatically. The 3 stars is dependent on you using the color bombs on candy colors in the most jelly.

  • susanr
    susanr Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I have been playing this level for months to get 3 stars and it seems impossible.  Please nerf it.
  • aurora.iris
    aurora.iris Posts: 6

    Level 2

    edited July 2019
    @Deryck Thanks for the suggestion, didn't know that there is flash version. After trying it, it's still very hard to get 3 stars in this version due to it doesn't have free temporary boosters like in mobile version, and I have never played the flash version before so I'm very lacking of boosters. The only way to hoard boosters freely is by using daily free booster wheel, but sometimes the wheel doesn't show up. Also, once I enter the level in flash version, I can't press back to cancel the level without losing life like in the mobile version. I think 35 moves is still not enough, it should have 60 moves, as it's very difficult to create color bomb in this level as you can only create it with horizontal 5 candy combination which is very luck dependent and could require a lot of moves to create one. I think it's better to nerf it by lowering the 3 stars score threshold instead.

    I think this level is even worse than level 463. Seeing how level 463 never gets nerfed, I doubt that king will even bother to nerf this level too.
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    @aurora.iris   mhm, the Flash version is the original and King stopped updating it around L2800+, requiring all players switch to the new HTML5 platform if they want to continue levels. But it still works fine, so I use it in conjunction with my Win10 app version of the game. A plus is the spin wheel of both versions are independent, meaning you can get two free boosters spinning both wheels in a day. And now the most notable aspect is the sugar drop quest still gives 13 normal storeable boosters at completion, unlike what the HTML5 version is doing, giving players timed 15-30-minute boosters. It's easier than it sounds to hoard boosters on the Flash version - play there for 1 week and see.

    But back to the level, starting with boosters won't do any good (and I didn't when I got the 3 stars). Play the level for a bit (10-15 moves) to see if you can free the UFOs. Activating them is ok. They can even open the popcorn. The risk is having the color bombs activate. If that happens, your shot at gaining a high score is gone and then it's best to just restart the level. As for forming your own color bombs (and this really is the key), you'll have to decide if you get the lucky board you need. If the chance to make a color bomb by using hand switch or hammer appears, go for it. I must've done that about 2 times. And then of course there're still the ones from the popcorn. But yeah, there's enough opportunity to reach the 3-star target. I agree it's not easy, but definitely more doable than via the new platform. For the record I got the 3 stars about 5 months(?) after passing the level. So it won't necessarily happen right away.

    As for L463, I think a key difference is that level is entirely luck-based while the player's choices control 854. I never got the lucky board/3 stars for 463, but have seen several players with scores in the 1 millions, 900K, 800K range in my game - I also suspect those scores were achieved when they played the level via the Flash version.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?