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Has Anyone Else Not Been Able To Reset Boards On New Levels?

Sammyjo Posts: 231
Hi. A couple of nights ago, I suddenly was not able to reset boards on new levels. I was on Level 2479, when I first noticed it. The only way that I could change the layout of the board, was to add or subtract boosters, and even then, I could not get more than one layout at a time. It has been difficult to adjust to all the recent changes. I always enjoyed studying the different boards and trying to figure out the best way to beat each level. So, I will try my best to contue to find joy in this game.

Best Answers

  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    Answer βœ“
    @Sammyjo, to answer the question that the title of your support thread asks, I've been going through the same thing. Different combinations of boosters give different boards, but they never shuffle. There have been other people complaining about this change too, so you're not alone. Looks like this is going to be the new normal.πŸ˜”
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    Answer βœ“
    I agree, @kunja. It is a lot harder. The new booster bot was a gut punch, taking the sugar drops away for some people was a punch to the face, and not being able to reshuffle the board will be the knockout punch that'll probably make a lot of people delete the game. I'm probably going to keep playing, but I probably won't be progressing at the pace I have been.


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