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missgermany Posts: 3

Level 1

I made a purchase one time. And now the ability to watch Ads for extra moves has been taken away. I had this ability for over a year and it’s not fair that it has been removed only because I made a single purchase and now it’s like I’m required to keep spending money. If that doesn’t get fixed I will delete the game.


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    Hello @missgermany
    We would like to welcome you to the king community. Thank you so much for being willing to joining 🙏

    Currently the King has released a large number of new events & offers, and has shared it through a few groups. Not all events/ offers are for everyone. Before any change is implemented a randomly chosen group of players is selected to trial the feature, and based upon how the change is viewed king then decide whether the change is one they want to adopt or not. This feature has been rolled out to different players for a certain amount of time but not everyone will receive this.
    If you not received AD that mean you are now not under the testing group.😥
    This feature not be canceled for purchasing something.

    But for some more reasons, these features may be off 😊 
    • Check your app update 
    • The feature may be missing if the internet is weak.
    • Log out game > Restart your device > Log in again. 
  • missgermany
    missgermany Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It just seems fishy to me that I’ve had the option for ads for a very very long time and suddenly after one purchase just like that they are gone and no longer an option. Very upsetting if only certain players get that option. It’s not fair.
  • gchiroodza30
    gchiroodza30 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I made a purchase one time. And now the ability to watch Ads for extra moves has been taken away. I had this ability for over a year and it’s not fair that it has been removed only because I made a single purchase and now it’s like I’m required to keep spending money. If that doesn’t get fixed I will delete the game.
    Same thing happened to me lm soo mad cause my son is still watching the Ads
  • gchiroodza30
    gchiroodza30 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Same  thing happened to me lm soo mad cause my son is still watching the Ads
  • missgermany
    missgermany Posts: 3

    Level 1

    See that just proves that they only care about getting money. I will never make a purchase again and if I don’t get the opportunity to be able to watch Ads again I will delete the game and leave bad reviews everywhere because this is total bs! 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?