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Level 5177

Mim_ Posts: 639
Can someone please show me a video on how to do this level without boosters. I've tried using boosters. Looks easy enough but almost impossible to get 50 chocolate and 300 timed ones. 


  • bkychau
    bkychau Posts: 8,608
    Mission impossible 
  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    There is no way you can get enough chocolates to finish this level. I can get the times ones but not the chocolates. Has anyone done this level
  • julienoolie
    julienoolie Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Totally agree with everything that has been said.  I even looked on Youtube and it can't be done.  This has not been thought through.  The least chocolate I have ended the game with is 28 and no booster on the planet is going to solve this one.  It's a glitch and needs sorted out
  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    Great! Thank you for trying this one as well as myself. I appreciate that
  • Marko48
    Marko48 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I challenge the King Community team to play level 5177 and show us how to beat such a lousy level WITHOUT spending a whole bunch of credits. Come on, King, answer us! If you think we are going to spend money on that, forget it. I´d rather give up and not play anymore. Think about it...
  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    edited August 2019
    I completed this level but it was necessary to use quite a few boosters. Started off with using a lucky candy and mainly diffused the color bombs one at a time using lollipop hammers at different times when I had grown some chocolate.  Be very careful to let the chocolate grow. Level is very hard. Impossible without boosters. 

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    Thank you for that. I do wish I could do it. It's such a shame that we need so many boosters. I got it down to 15 chocolates to find, but am getting fed up of trying now. The trouble is that the chocolates don't come down every go. Well done to you. Good luck with the rest
  • ernstbln
    ernstbln Posts: 297
    i watched a video on you tube. they needed 2 ufo's,bunch hands and bunch hammers to win it. save the CB as long as you can. this is an impossible level without lotsa boosters
  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    I stupidly wasted a cornet and it did nothing. Totally agree lots and lots of booster. More money for CC
  • Eliana_Santander
    Eliana_Santander Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Este nivel es imposible y yo no tengo booster, solo los que logro ganar. Por favor King, los que no tenemos recursos económicos también tenemos derecho a jugar! Un saludo desde el fin del mundo, mi hermoso Chile!!!

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