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Timed Sugar Drops



  • mamacathy
    mamacathy Posts: 95

    Level 3

    Jackie_Coe, my daily boosters are also timed. Pray for our regular booster to come back, but seems like things are getting worse not better 😐
  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    So for some lucky folks it’s back to normal, but for other’s it’s getting worse - I now have timed boosters from my treat calendar too. It’s barely worth opening the game any more. 
  • Kasie
    Kasie Posts: 32

    Level 3

    The timed boosters seemed to have been implemented in stages. Perhaps the return to normal is also progressing that way. Fingers crossed for you guys!
  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230
    edited October 2019
    Hello bearwithme. Don't think the CC programmer efficient anymore. They not able to fix the problem. This talk about wanting us to enjoy the game is **. They are taking the joy out of playing by introducing timed sugar drops. As there are so many complaints over 2 months and nothing is done just reflect on their attitude. Sorry to say 
  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230
    Lucky you kasie . 
  • How exciting, now the “games studio” have given me timed boosters on the Daily Treat calendar.
    Can they please explain to me how I am supposed to use them while waiting for next week’s new levels ???
  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230
    edited August 2019
    Hello bearwithme. Don't think the CC programmer efficient anymore. They not able to fix the problem. This talk about wanting us to enjoy the game is *** - edited by CM** They are taking the joy out of playing by introducing timed sugar drops. As there are so many complaints over 2 months and nothing is done just reflect on their attitude. Sorry to say 
  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230
    I think candy crush saga needs a complete revamp of the game.
  • Marion_Harrison
    Marion_Harrison Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Timed Sugar drops suck, seriously thinking of not playing anymore, its not fun anymore, its frustrating. been playing many years, im a pensioner so dont have money to buy anything, dont get gold anymore unless i buy it and that just cant happen, please King go back to the old way, why try and fix something that wasnt broken :(
  • Anaf
    Anaf Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I hate the timed boosters. Not helpful at all.  I agree with all the above comments. Please bring the old version back ASAP.
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