Cause a ruckas! Make a small multitude of stripped, color bpmbs., and wrapped here and there on the board then blow them up all at once in a rickashay.
When you see a color configuration that looks like this. OO O. Or O OO look for a down match in the missing color pocket. That looks like this in a different color. O. O O. O O. Or. O. Match those in a straight line down and anticipate that the color you want will drop in the pocket. It's no sure thing but it really works a lot more often than you might think. It's just like taking a chance that what you want will be there to create that stripe.
" I'm on level 4047, so I've been playing a LONG time. :-) I'd say the 2 things I feel help the most is: 1) Always remember what the goal is for that level. It's easy to try to clear everything, but if you only needed to make 6 color bombs, then only concentrate on that. 2) Generally I make more matches/moves from the bottom of the screen so that there is usually more pieces affected then if you 'swipe' at the top."
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