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Level 1066

Rogo788 Posts: 2

Level 1

how am I suppose to make 14 color bombs with 12 tries ? This is impossible , and I read its suppose to be 40tries ? This sucks ! 


  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    edited August 2019
    Hi @Rogo788 and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 The studio is always monitoring the players' experience with levels. If they are too hard or too easy according to these results, they might tweak it a bit. If you saw the videos with more moves, they were probably recorded as soon as the level was released.

    However, I will post some tips from someone who is very good at it and the video with 12 moves too.

    I hope this will help you. If not, I strongly recommend taking a break for a day or two to clear your mind. It helped me numerous times to finish the level once I come back to the game. Good luck and keep crushing 🍭
  • MommoT
    MommoT Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Impossible. Time to uninstall this game and move on.
  • @MommoT I encourage you to try and take a break. Of course it's possible, it wouldn't be there if it wasn't 😉

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