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Why is there only 20 moves on my iPad Pro for Level 3161, but videos online show 35?

verabeverly Posts: 6 Level 2

On line videos show 35 moves for level 3161, but on my iPad Pro there are only

20 moves for the same game?  I have been playing for days and I do not even come close to getting the cherries down.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 24,851 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Good evening verabeverly,

    Thank you for posting on King care.

    From time to time levels are tweaked in response to customer feedback.

    At the time the level was released it had more moves which has since been changed. Sometimes it helps if you find one where it has changed, to comment on the source so they know they have to update it to reflect the current board.

    As regards your level, they must think it can be done, but I have found often that it is purely down to a good board :(

    If you send them an email from inside the game, you can let them know the level is impossible that way too, but be prepared that they might send you a how to play email back. Just ask them to pass it on as feedback :)

  • verabeverly
    verabeverly Posts: 6 Level 2

    Good evening verabeverly,

    Thank you for posting on King care.

    From time to time levels are tweaked in response to customer feedback.

    At the time the level was released it had more moves which has since been changed. Sometimes it helps if you find one where it has changed, to comment on the source so they know they have to update it to reflect the current board.

    As regards your level, they must think it can be done, but I have found often that it is purely down to a good board :(

    If you send them an email from inside the game, you can let them know the level is impossible that way too, but be prepared that they might send you a how to play email back. Just ask them to pass it on as feedback :)

    Thank you. I assumed something is wrong since I could not find any videos using only 20 moves.
  • Mark_Adcock
    Mark_Adcock Posts: 119 Level 3
    edited January 2020
    "From time to time levels are tweaked in response to customer feedback."

    What an absolute load of nonsense. Please don't insult our intelligence by saying that customers request that the number of moves be reduced. 

    This level started with 35 moves and is now down to 13. To suggest this is due to customer feedback is pure BS. 

    How can such useless developers make a level that is 22 moves too many? If King can't develop levels without being dishonest and, basically, cheating, then there is no point in playing this crap. What's the problem? Too many people passing one of the 5,000+ levels a little too fast so King had better cheat and reduce the moves, in the hope the player buys a booster. How many times do King see that so many people are struggling to beat a level and actually increase the moves available? Yeah, right. Virtually never.

    May King drown in its own dishonest greed...

    Oh and another thing about this brilliantly designed level ... if the player isn't careful (and often beyond their control) a cherry gets stuck on the little shelf near the bottom and won't move. Seems there is no end to King's developers' total and utter incompetence.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?