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Lost all my boosters

tespafer Posts: 2 Newbie

Hi. I am very angry because I have lost all my boosters, and I had many, as well as the daily advance of the game of the chest, and it is not the first time that happens to me and I write and they send me to these places but in the end I lose everything and nobody Solve nothing and this already makes me tired and frustrates me. If someone can help me get everything I have lost or know how to contact them to return it to me, I would appreciate it. I have already uninstalled, installed, and tested on another terminal, restarted and nothing, all lost. What a fraud! Thanks for your help.

Hola. Estoy muy enfadada porque he perdido todos mis boosters, y tenia muchos, así como el avance diario del juego del cofre, y no es la primera vez que me pasa y escribo y me mandan a estos sitios pero al final lo pierdo todo y nadie me soluciona nada y ya esto me camsa y me frustra. Si alguien puede ayudarme a conseguir todo lo que he perdido o saber como contacto con ellos para que me lo devuelvan, os lo agradecería. Ya he desinstalado, instalado, y probado en otro terminal, reiniciado y nada, todo perdido. Vaya fraude. Gracias por vuestra ayuda.


  • ıssızadam
    ıssızadam Posts: 17 Level 2

    I'm so sorry honey

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend

    Hi @tespafer

    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.😎

    In the case of Android and I-Phone, your collected booster is stored in phone memory. This stored booster can not be synced with the server, because the game studio still does not have this process. You will not be able to transfer the boosters to another device, you will lose the complete booster for app uninstalling or crashing. And the boosters are not refundable.

    You can contact our Player Support directly, here.

    Thank you.

  • tespafer
    tespafer Posts: 2 Newbie
    Thank you very much for your answer. They were all lost upon entering as each day entered, without further ado. When opening the game everything had disappeared, and that was when I tried other things to see if I could recover them, without success.

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