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The Chocolate Box: complete quests to win rewards! Share your Tips & strategies here!



  • mint_aero said:
    Just some feedback 
    When I got the quest to complete a super hard level, it was so far away and the options were to go to map or lose the progress. I think it would be fair / easier if there was an option to switch the quest perhaps. 

    You can switch the task at any time, but you will lose the progress you've made on the task you're switching. If you're really close to finishing the task it's easy to go back to a lower level to get the rest. I do that when I've chosen candy tasks like 20 wrapped candies. 
    I typically try to use the tasks that are candy- related instead of level-related. They change, though, so I've had to choose the one I think I'll be able to get done. 
    Unfortunately, the last piece of chocolate I need to get has tasks that are not my favorite... It seems a bit silly to have to choose Use 1 Candy Hammer when you're trying to WIN one of them. Yeah, I'm probly gonna use one eventually...but not by choice and certainly not to accomplish the task of filling the chocolate box. I'm a hammer hoarder, lol...

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear Community,

    I'd like to inform about the changes that have been applied to the Chocolate Box:

    As you know, for some weeks, we have had different scenarios in which we could have 1, 2, 3 or more quests available per day. Starting today, all players that have the Chocolate feature available, will have 3 quests available per day.

    Let's have a look again at this feature:

    How does the feature works?

    • We will start with a box filled with 16 delicious chocolates. There are four different colors, each containing a specific quest.
    • Once you have completed one of each color (four in total), you receive a reward and the Chocolate Box is finished.
    • Complete 3 quests per day.
    • The Chocolate Box is available from level 50 onwards.

    *Please NOTE this is only a mock-up.


    We want your feedback, Candy Crushers!

    • What do you think about this change?
    • What do you like the most about the Chocolate Box feature? and what would you improve?

    Have a delicious day and see you around the forum!

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Hey ho @Pounawea .

    Well, I tried chocolate box and it's very easy.

    All you have to do is just to complete quests so ta-da, you get rewards in no time.

    And if you play 3 quests everyday, then it's so great.

    I've got some rewards today after completing those quests.

    I can't wait to see more and more features in this game soon.

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Thanks for sharing your opinion with us @Sofia1992 . 🙂

    What do you think now of the Chocolate box feature, Candy Crushers? Remember that all players that have the Chocolate feature available, will have 3 quests available per day.

    We want your feedback, Candy Crushers!

    • Do you have fun playing the Chocolate Box?
    • What do you like the most about the Chocolate Box feature? and what would you improve?

    We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    I have been enjoying my Chocolate box feature in my game and am just learning how to best choose my candy. Whoo…... "Sweet"

    I've had to pay more attention to what's coming up on my game as well as the color of candies and the types of boosters the next levels may need.

    Still learning to get the sweetness out of my chocolate box!!

    Have a candylicious day!!

  • My box is broken. It's stuck on Claim Prize and I've tried everything but uninstalling to fix it. This is what i see on the inside of it. I play on a phone and tablet. My phone claimed the prize and my tablet won't sync to it. Ugh.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    For me it's improved, from 1 quest to 3 quests a day. I'm lucky. When this change came, I had to do one more color. After I completed that, I received my prize. So then I was able to open a new box and do 3 quests. This way I can receive my prize every day. 🎉

  • Barb_Blasky
    Barb_Blasky Posts: 23

    Level 3

    edited March 2020

    I don"t get any special features and my sister does.. This isn't fair. I've never had extra moves on a level or a chocolate box or a package. Nothing. She gets everything. I play on my computer and android devices. She plays on apple products. Is this why?

  • Shelly95
    Shelly95 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I didn't get chocolate box but my sister has this booster in her game. I want this chocolate box please!! This is very interesting. Please give me chocolate box booster

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @Shelly95 , I would send you a chocolate box if I could. ❤️

    Let's hope one shows up in your game soon. 🌷

    Hope you have a sweet day 🍡

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?