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Weston_Lahn Posts: 11

Level 2

edited February 2020 in Support
any one figure it out so  frustrating YouTube not helping 
candy crush makers why do u loose a life when u quit the game without moving candy wasn’t always like this

Best Answer

  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Weston_Lahn. Always remember that there's no time limit and look carefully at what each move would do.
    First move I would do in your case is connect the blues on the right to line up for a colourbomb with the greens:

    Keep using the colourbombs as soon you make or release them as it will increase the chances of making more, but always look out for opportunities to make 2 together first and within 25 moves you should get at least one opportunity.
    Good Luck


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868
    Hi @Weston_Lahn . Welcome to our Community  =)

    Some level can be challanging but with some patience and clear strategy , all level can be beaten
    This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play more from the bottom of the table and make special candy as you get the chance. Combine them with other special candy to break more blockers or make colorbomb as you get the chance and combine them with each other to complete the order. You can watch video from Youtube to get more help.
    I play on the middle to earn Colorbomb.

    Hope this can help you. Keep trying 
  • Weston_Lahn
    Weston_Lahn Posts: 11

    Level 2

  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Weston_Lahn. Always remember that there's no time limit and look carefully at what each move would do.
    First move I would do in your case is connect the blues on the right to line up for a colourbomb with the greens:

    Keep using the colourbombs as soon you make or release them as it will increase the chances of making more, but always look out for opportunities to make 2 together first and within 25 moves you should get at least one opportunity.
    Good Luck

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