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Candy crush saga level 990

Battling with this level I only get 19 turns you tube says 50!!! Can’t do it in 19 turns please help 


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869
    Hi @lornsie. Welcome to our Community  =)

    This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom where you have more candies available to play and break the blockers. Try to make striped candy combo like colorbomb with striped candy or with wrapped candy to break more blockers. Play with remaining jelly candy to break them to reach the target.

    Mine have 19 live moved also . dont worry you will clear all the Jelly .
    Start with combine two Colorbomb together that you get from Built a Bot, There are help booster fish and Colorbomb. 
    use live as necessary and as efficiently as possible because only 19 . 

    Good Luck . Keep Trying 
  • This is a particularly difficult level and the candy must fall into place for you to succeed. The bombs are a distraction that must be secondary to taking out the blockers that'll let you release the fish. 
    It's difficult to play if you aren't starting with at least one color bomb and some wrapped candies. Wrapped candy is the best way to get through the large number of blockers in this level. Let the special candy and the fishies worry about the bombs at first, until they have ticked down at least halfway. It's hard to ignore them, but you've got to work around them in the beginning because you will waste too many moves if you try to get rid of them. 

    Not everyone has the Build a Bot, @kiara_wael. My Mom has been playing for years and has never laid eyes on it. I have it, though, and couldn't complete the levels I'm on now if I were to lose it!!

    @lornsie... You can do it. Put it down and walk away for a little while. I think the game starts to miss me when I do that and it lets me beat the level so I'll come back and play again! LoL 😆

  • lornsie
    lornsie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Thank you I will just keep on trying 😀
  • cattibri31
    cattibri31 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have been working on this level for days. All of the videos on YouTube show having 50 moves and I also only have 19. I can't clear it. I can't even get close with boosters, which I am now out of, before bombs explode on me. I'm about to walk away and not come back.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi @lornsie Did you finished this level ?

    Hi @cattibri31 , have you Built a Bot in your game ? This will help you start with booster .

    Mine also have 19 moves . There are help booster fish and Colorbomb. use live as necessary and as efficiently as possible because only 19 .

  • lornsie
    lornsie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi yes I finally managed to finish it!!!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Congratulations @lornsie , prepared for another level . Happy crushing ❤️

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