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Level 190

mugsom1 Posts: 1

Level 1

I know it’s suppose to be a challenge but how many days does one work on a level? I’ve read the cheats but they don’t help. I’m tired of doing the same game over and over. Fun is gone. I’m taking the game off my phone. At some point there should be a way to pass a level even if you loose all your points, standing, etc and start the next level from scratch. I don’t care about points. I just enjoy(ed) the challenge


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819

    Hi @mugsom1 . Welcome to our Community 🙂

    Some levels can be challenging but with some patience and clear strategy , all levels can be beaten

    Are you still stuck on level 190 ?

    This level is hard as you need to make combos within 25 moves. For this level firs you should try to break black blockers. As you will back you could have three wrapped candy and striped candy that you could use two of them to make combos. After try to make striped candy and wrapped candy any where to reach requirement.

    Keep trying sometime Lucky board will out . dont give up

    Hope this can help you.

  • RShear
    RShear Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I agree with mugsmom been stuck on level 190 for days and I'm thinking of quitting candy crush no fun in not being able to move up to another level after so many tries.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    hope this helps you both , quick video showing how it done

  • Hi everyone,

    I just saw this same thing on Reddit and played this Nightmare level. I did try to get through it with no boosters and got close. On the 5th try I took in a color bomb and wrapped-striped candy to get things started. The colorbomb will take out most of one of the candy colors needed with one move.

    Tips: Plan each move to make the most of it. Watch the candy counts so you can strategize each move. This level is easy compared to some and it's trying to teach you strategy. You'll find that there are levels that you learn a lot from, if you've had to play them repeatedly!!

    Use boosters right away to maximize every move's haul. I tend to hold on to them for a set up move. No time for that in this level.

    If you have too many of any color on the board, get rid of them with a colorbomb when you can. It'll make room for the colors you need, and for more special candies to be made randomly during cascades.

    I know you'll get it... Just remember there's no timer! You can look at that board all day before you make a move. The candy will fall from above and ruin your strategy sometimes, but sometimes that's a good thing anyway!

  • RShear
    RShear Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Thanks for the advice will keep trying.

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