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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • Putts
    Putts Posts: 111

    Well for now I think I do. Just read some people lost it this morning so by Wednesday I may not have it. Sorry it happened to you early. This game used to be enjoyable

  • visaman
    visaman Posts: 3

    Level 1

    You are making Candy Crush Saga a real drag to play anymore and putting new players at a huge disadvantage.

    Will be pulling the plug soon.

    Sorry King Syndicate has chosen such a difficult time to make their game more stressful and difficult.

    Thanks a lot

    A loyal player

  • Darlene_Litzau
    Darlene_Litzau Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Bring back candy pet or I’m done with candy crush. It’s a shame as I have been playing this game since 2013

  • SusanGaGu
    SusanGaGu Posts: 46

    Level 3

    Same here, on three separate platforms, its funny how things are always being taken out of the games rather than being put in. Especially with most people home or on lock down because of the current conditions around the world.

  • SusanGaGu
    SusanGaGu Posts: 46

    Level 3

    Nope it seems like it is gone for most people, another thing that has been taken away.

  • shrpgrl
    shrpgrl Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Not down with the changes. Am considering just deleting the game. I was spending hours on it every day. Now will be switching to Toon blast or something else to fill my time. I looked forward to playing each day but not now. Why bother when you can't get the bonuses to use to get past the hard levels. Not spending my money to buy them.

  • Velta
    Velta Posts: 22

    Level 3

    I really don't like that sugar drop is gone from previous levels. I used them to get boosters for the upcoming weekly new levels. Some new levels are just ridiculously hard, and boosters are needed to pass these levels. I understand changes, but why remove things that really help people stay with your game?

  • Abha_Agarwal
    Abha_Agarwal Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I miss the sugar drops. That was a fun way of going back to interesting levels. Also there was a chance to earn sugar stars on older levels and get trophies on old episodes. Please bring that back!

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,481

    As one of your so-called "looney conspiracy theorists" that came from the corporate world, I am confident recent changes are intended to boost income for Making it harder to complete levels by not giving away so many free boosters is expected to encourage more purchases. And it shouldn't have taken 12 paragraphs for you to make your point.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,481

    I am not excited about the Fantastic Five feature. My "friends" are a group of random strangers! What, if any, rewards will go along with this change.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?