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Level 4942

anecka33 Posts: 11

Level 2

edited March 2020 in Support

more Times level is finished when I stil hacker three candies of the sane color in a row. Why?



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,159

    Hi @anecka33 . Welcome to our Community 🙎

    I check level 4942 its no problem . please make update your device

  • mennnoz
    mennnoz Posts: 5

    Level 2

    such a wonderful game to get rid of stress

  • mennnoz
    mennnoz Posts: 5

    Level 2

    i really love the game

  • anecka33
    anecka33 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    MY device is update. I saw this error more times in different levels. But not every times

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    Always best to force restart your device when you have done updates normally makes sure updates are implemented

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    Think by looking at you pic that is already worked out level is uncompletable you still need 19 black blocks. I would show if this happening if you got all blocks done or only say need one. You are way off from finishing. Remember all levels are an algorithm and it can work out if its not completable i have seen this loads over the years.

  • anecka33
    anecka33 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Now i am finished level 5175, but more Times and on the differenti levels i must have repet level For finished it with 3 candies di same color in a row. If it depend of algorithm, it is mean that algorithm is wrong

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,159

    Keep trying 🙂

  • anecka33
    anecka33 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    another level, again mistake

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