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Let’s stay apart, but play together! Unlimited lives gift



  • Pallavij
    Pallavij Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Can u extend the unlimited life's period for further one more week as this will b very helpful for all

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,832

    Hi @Pallavij . Welcome to our Community 🙎

    Unlimited lives ended and there is no further information

    Stay safe

  • lisalibbyprice04
    lisalibbyprice04 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Can we please have more unlimited life’s as it’s kept me entertained the last week now you have taken them off we are still in lock down and meny of us are addicted to this game I’ve been playing it for years please consider unlimited life’s yet again x

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    veuillez utiliser la langue anglaise

    des vies illimitées ont pris fin hier et aucune nouvelle n'a été prolongée. nous devrons peut-être attendre mercredi pour les mises à jour avant de recevoir des nouvelles

  • CandyCrush_Queen
    CandyCrush_Queen Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Thanks for the unlimited lives!!! Enjoying it!

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    ¡Hola @Katialou y bienvenido/a a la Comunidad!

    Por favor, toma nota que en esta sección se habla únicamente en Inglés, pero no te preocupes! moveremos tu comentario a un área más adecuada para que puedas hablar en tu idioma


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,832

    Bonjour @Katialou et bienvenue sur la Communauté !

    Veuillez noter que cet espace est uniquement en Anglais. Mais pas de problème ! L'un de nos Community Manager va déplacer votre commentaire afin de vous rediriger vers le Forum en Français.

    Merci !

  • afropepe
    afropepe Posts: 6

    Level 2

    BRING BACK UNLIMITED LIVES!!! the lockdown was a lot more tolerable with unlimited lives!!!!!!

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Hello Candy Crushers,

    As commented yesterday, we hope you were able to make the most of the Unlimited Lives that were made available during our partnership with the World Health Organization.

    Now that the offer has ended, the normal lives cycle is back in your game.

    Thanks again to you, our players, for playing your part, apart, together!

    Have a delicious day and, please, stay safe!


  • kananp
    kananp Posts: 0


    Please give free unlimited lives

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