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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    so all in all no new features and were robbed again.and to free up space for what. i would love to know

    No sugar track

    No candy Pet

    Build a bot tweaked to detriment of the players

    fantastic 5 tweaked yet to be soon if any improvement but it couldn't get any worse than it was

    Booster wheel tweaked so less free moves. 1,2,3,4,5

    Dont think i have missed anything , As not much left for us, but is any body seeing a pattern here?

    New Features 0

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited April 2020

    Dear @Pounawea, with the greatest of respect, how is this helpful now. I'm not shooting the messenger here, but hey, if you take away something, should it not be that it's replaced at the same time. All this makes players think that there is something more to it than meets the eye, and you cannot blame them. You do yourself no favors this way. You have loyal players who have reached the top, leaving, with some saying KING does not care. Response to their concerns are also scant or non-existent.

    Admittedly, their are those who progressed without purchasing any boosters, but I think that they are outnumbered by those who pay money for the boosters. I read a post recently, where someone indicated spending quite a few dollars a month and now having to fork out more, since it's becoming more difficult to progress without boosters. That person, if memory serves me correctly has now stopped playing. It's like an investment gone wrong. There must be countless numbers of them out there, those that do not participate in this community, basically the uncounted for.

    CCS was meant to be a fun game for stress relieving. Yes, it has become very addictive, and by nature people are competitive, leading them to want to achieve. KING has obviously made quite a lot of money out of this, else the game would have been canned long ago.

    I understand that it's a business, but some are suggesting it has become greed, this out of frustration. Frustration at being stuck at some levels for days and some even longer.

    If change are meant to be good, how come you have so many disgruntled players. It seems, judging from the spate of negative comments here, that KING has missed it by a mile, or maybe they just done care. I'd like to believe otherwise, since it's the players that made CCS the success it is, those that were loyal to it from the start.

    E.g., changing the booster wheel from 5 and 15 free moves to 1,2,3,4 and 5. The higher levels especially, are becoming tougher and tougher. It also seems that the frequency of extra boosters during play has diminished.

    We are all passionate about the game, please do not spoil it.

    PS, I refer to "you" as KING. I do not wish to get any flack for personalizing it.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2020

    Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, Battleship, Othello, Reversi, Go, Connect4, Stratego, Solitaire, Scrabble Monopoly, Xiangqi, Poker, Toy Blast, Toon blast, the choice is endless. If you don't have much time each night, some sites offer correspondence type games where you can take it in turns to make a move, but won't name any names as this is King's site and it wouldn't be fair.

    You never know, King may eventually wake up and again provide a game that's enjoyable so that players can once again swipe away the stress of the day, but don't hold your breath!

    Google is a good place to start. Good luck.

  • lololololalalala
    lololololalalala Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thank you so much!!! Will check these games out... time to move on for me x

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2020

    I wonder if the investors know the suicidal moves being made by HRH?

    Maybe they fool them by telling them that their huge advertising campaign is going to bring loads of new players in, loyal and addicted players will remain whatever they strip from the game. Then as the new batch reach the unbeatable higher levels later in the year, they put in an olive twig to retain a few of them. Take it away again when the next cycle begins.

    Rinse - Advertise - Repeat.

    Some news for the blinkered. Word of mouth especially in this day and age of social media, is far more powerful than any advertising campaign.

  • You never know, King may eventually wake up and again provide a game that's enjoyable so that players can once again swipe away the stress of the day, but don't hold your breath!



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
  • If that don't change their minds, then its heartless

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    Dont think i have missed anything

    Some other things that have gone or have been significantly reduced:

    Ability to win episode race now that episodes take longer to complete.

    Extra time needed to collect chocolate box requirements due to Bob's removal

    Advantage higher level players had in Space Race due to Babs' removal

    Ability to score points for levels or episodes in Fantastic 5 due to every level being harder to beat.

    The 'improvements' - NOT!, have a massive knock on effect in every aspect of the game and is putting it out of reach for paying and non paying players alike.

  • rabster
    rabster Posts: 19

    Level 2

    It will be an expensive change but they should remove the ability to get lives by changing date/time on the device. That would ensure even more players would go away.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?