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Making money On buying bars/boosts

pofelix Posts: 3

Level 1

I’ve read a lot of comments about how hard the game has gotten and I also believe that King took away the ability to win boosts so we would buy them SHAME ON KING!! I’ve made purchases in the past but it was my choice. Their blatant disregard of the ones who keep them in business shocks me. I for one will NEVER EVER BUY ANYTHING AGAIN! I will never download a King product again.


  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277
    edited April 2020

    It's still your choice whether or not to buy boosters. You can still pass plenty of levels with the free boosters that are available. I've passed 16 levels this week, 6741-6756, using only some of the free boosters I've earned.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @pofelix King never made do anyone do anything. Will all have a choice whether we want to buy or not.

  • hasanNawaz
    hasanNawaz Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I m level 6740 complet weting for new level

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @hasanNawaz 6830 Win 10 app 2 weeks and 90 levels ahead

  • hasanNawaz
    hasanNawaz Posts: 12

    Level 2

    What new level just coming

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    new levels released every Wednesday. you are on latest level for mobile

  • ecopel27
    ecopel27 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Some of you are on levels 6700 and above and am still stuck on 239! 😁Need some boosters!

  • mcgirl
    mcgirl Posts: 74

    Level 3

    I"ve never spent money for boosters and never will.

  • ecopel27
    ecopel27 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I'm joined forum to earn some bars and boosters. Not gonna spend money either👍

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    The game is advertised as free to play with in game advertising and optional in game purchases. The changes made lately mean that you can only play for free if you spend every waking hour failing over and over or are willing to plod on for many years, sitting on the same level for days on end.

    I know that there are at least 18 members of the community who would love to see the back of every player who refuses to pay, but they need to be very careful what they wish for as anything that drives them away is also putting the game further out of reach for players who do pay.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?