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34 moves is a lot.. screenshot it and which candy r u having difficulty?
34 moves is NOT a "lot" with that particular level …………….
LOL Why does it say that my “question” was “answered”? It’s a simple statement of FACT that it is utterly and completely impossible to beat level 1073 with just 34 moves. Especially when ppl in the past had 50 moves. Even in boring as h&$& self-isolation, frigging waiting around to finally be blessed with a lucky board is really starting to lose its luster. I may truly be done with this game for good if I don’t make it past soon, not that anybody cares. This is beyond ridiculous. Later.
I just don’t get boards that let me make the necessary moves. Ever. Normally when I get stuck on a level, by now they’ll have finally taken pity on me and given me a lucky board to finally let me win and move on. That just doesn’t seem like that is going to be the case here, and I utterly REFUSE to be stuck on one stupid level throughout the entire quarantine and likely afterwards as well. This just isn’t fun anymore. Oh well. It is what it is.
I'm not surprised. That's why I made my post as a statement, LOL. This isn't a "question" that needs to be "answered", this is just me venting, LOL.
statement back at ya, let you know what you got to look forward too