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Level 1
I’ve been struggling with this level for days. My starting screen doesn’t looks like any of the videos. Not sure where to find which version I have. Think I’m updated but not 100% sure. Help!
@linda040503 . Hello there.. Not all things are exactly the same. Just go on with your crushing. You'll soon pass at this. Don't lose your patience. As for myself i am stuck for 3 weeks but i still play. Welcome to our King Community and Happy Crushing ..🌸🌼
Hi and Welcome to our Community
Level 308 has change with 23 moves , the video on Youtube is not update
This level has easy difficulty and it require you to use good technique to complete this level. For this level first try to make colorbomb and combine with striped candy or play near to jellies to break them. You might need more striped candy with other special candy combo to break all jellies.
Keep trying
You’re not the only one, I have the same screen and King is no help and obviously doesn’t care. This level is ranked “hard” not nigntmareishly hard and there is literally no way to get past it. I believe it’s a glitch, but again King doesn’t seem to care. I emailed, tweeted, and am now reaching out here. People responding with “keep trying” obviously don’t understand the issue. There is legitimately no way to get past this level.
I am having the exact same issue! It is not possible to complete this level. I have the most up to date version on my tablet, and installed it today on my phone just to see if it was the same. Yes it is the exact same. Maybe the next update will fix this stupid glitch.
Wonder why King isn’t addressing this?
No idea, I just tried twitting them again but I won’t hold my breath we will get anywhere. Last time I tweeted it was an auto generated message just like it was with email “support” 🙄
I played this years ago but this is what my level 308 looks like.
This is what it looks like for me.