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@TomHun Bet that is extremely frustrating i believe there is an idea to vote up in the ideas section regarding this matter. You probably want to pop over there and vote on it as the more votes it gets the more likely some action may be taken.
We can pass this on to the game team for you
Thank you
Hi @TomHun and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. Right now there is no way to change it but there is an idea regarding this issue and you can cast your vote here. The studio is always monitoring the ideas and they have already implemented some of them. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗
@TomHun Bet that is extremely frustrating i believe there is an idea to vote up in the ideas section regarding this matter. You probably want to pop over there and vote on it as the more votes it gets the more likely some action may be taken.
We can pass this on to the game team for you
Thank you
Hi and welcome @TomHun .
I agree about the colors. And i am with u on this. I will also vote for this.
Hi @TomHun and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. Right now there is no way to change it but there is an idea regarding this issue and you can cast your vote here. The studio is always monitoring the ideas and they have already implemented some of them. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗
Thank you all for your support!
You are more than welcome 🤗 @TomHun
Hi @TomHun would you mind if I asked you a question about your vision? When you look at the color candies what colors are you seeing? not seeing? I have visual problems that are very bad. I am blind in one eye after 9 surgeries and 4 of which were cornea transplants. The last transplant rejected and I refuse to try a 5th transplant. So I only have vision in one eye and that's not always the best. I can totally relate to vision problems. I spoke with a guy once who told me that he was color blind. I forget what color it was supposed to be but he said that everything looked like gray or beige. But how do you know what color it should be if you can't see the difference in the colors?
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@Freddy_Falkner you are surely helping a lot of players lately. A bit of advice .... if you are suggesting that they pop over to the ideas section you need to give them the link like @firebombmarkus did. How else will they know where that area is. I usually give the Master list of ideas link and then also check on the master list if that particular idea is posted. If it is then you need to give out that particular link. Just a suggestion.
@Elsa Thank you, will try to remember to add the links, especially for when its for something like this. Still learning
Hello Elsa.
I am red/green colour blind, the most common type, so I'm told. The problem is that the time bombs are all round, and I can just about differentiate between the blue and the purple, but the red/green/orange bombs are impossible to tell them apart. Sometimes I am stuck for days on a level, because I can't diffuse those bombs, but sooner or later random luck gets me through, but it is frustrating.
I think your eye problem is much worse than mine @TomHun! At least I can differentiate the color even if it's with only one eye. Wow! I know that we had that question posted a long time ago and a community manager gave out a couple of links on how to correct to it but when I posted those in another message the player wrote back to say they didn't work. I have to go find this one message that was written by someone who also has vision problems. brb..........
Did you ever post here?
Here is an idea posted for color blindness so make sure to vote and add your comments here.
Hi Elsa,
Thank you for that information. Yes, I did vote, and added comment. Thanks again!