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Which πŸ“–πŸ“š???

Sweetice Posts: 2,464

What's up crushers...πŸ’ž

Β Β I hope you're all Ok enjoying this lovely community and playing the addictive games of King community! I hope you all know that I posted a new poll about choosing one from movies and books and thanks some of you have voted, but if you haven't seen the poll andΒ hadn't voted yet...then goΒ hereΒ and vote but if you have already chosen for what you like most, then you are in the best place to vote and enjoy again! Don't forget that this is a poll prepared for the crushers who has chosen to go for "Books", so what we got here is we have 6 most famousΒ books of all time and I think maybe you have seen at least one of them since you are aΒ book lover but if there is noΒ book here that you haveΒ read then you can just post your favorite ones that isn't mentioned problem! But don't forget to vote and enjoy...πŸ˜‰

Keep Crushing🍭

Which πŸ“–πŸ“š??? 11 votes

Gone with the wind
Diamond_LimMaxhi_066 2 votes
Harry potter and Sorcere's stone
lau_02lhalhaSweetice[Deleted User]sameekshapearl_chetnaPrincess_lovelyhazel3[Deleted User] 9 votes
Lord of the Flies
Chiken soup for the poll


  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    A'right everyone I will be voting here since I choose Books and everyone choosing books will vote here! I have gone for "Harry potter and Sorcerer's stone because that's one of my fav books and its the best book from the one found in the vote options for me.....but this is just opinion y'all can choose for what you like!


  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    I like this

  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    Same here @pearl_chetna....we had the same choice, lovely ones☺

  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    It's really nice @Sweetice

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,892

    Sorry to put a twist on your poll but I haven’t read any of those books my favorite author would have to be

    John Connolly (Charlie Parker series ) 🐨🐬

  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    @BQN537 no doesn't mean that because we are book lovers we have read one or more books up in the option. Its good that you tell us your favorite ones I will look after it and try to read it!

    Thanks for your time!☺

  • Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    I had read Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone and the books is one of my favourites

    😁 Btw I like books related to science and mathematics too πŸ˜…

  • sameeksha
    sameeksha Posts: 4,422
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    i loved reading harry potters books

    they are totally magical and interesting

    i have read all the harry potter books!!


  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464
    Harry potter and Sorcere's stone

    Same choice! Great to have your vote! Thx...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?