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Cover your ears, delicate Nancies!

EFamousE Posts: 33

Level 3

edited June 2020 in Discussions

I've stayed away for weeks, née months, because some old lady couldn’t handle a little bleeped out cursing. But I am back, because screw that and screw you.

Anyway, King is a *** who literally creams his panties making levels that are just impossible to beat without a *** lucky board. After over a *** week at this *** level, I am finally close enough that I blow through my saved up boosters, and that is STILL not enough even though it SHOULD have been. And now I’m just back to trash boards that I have absolutely NO chance of winning with. Probably for another *** week or more or until *** King FINALLY deigns to let me have an actual lucky board.

America is suffering right now, Covid is spiking back up all over the place, and Candy Crush is SUPPOSED to be a FUN diversion from all of that. Instead, King is a little *** ***, and I intend to call him out on that.

***, King, and ***

That. Is. All.

Time for the delicate Nancies old ladies to swoop in now and yell at me. Have at it, because I am SO. DONE. 👽

(EDITED by CM - Inappropriate/ abusive language) 


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @EFamousE Very nice indeed, If you feel that way why post and not just remove yourself from the game. Many people still love this game and like the challenge and although been a lot of changes are still playing. Why play a game if its not challenging

  • georgeanno
    georgeanno Posts: 38

    Level 3

    Answer ✓

    It’s frustrating with all the new changes but I’m waiting to see how it will all shake out seeing as I haven’t found any thing else that holds my attention

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    @EFamousE .

    sorry but cant understand ur frustration. Why ur inability to solve any game or clear any level means that the game designer or the game should be scolded.

    its a free game u can move on. Millions of players like the new challenges. Without challenge the game loses its charm and interest.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    edited June 2020

    @EFamousE I do agree with Freddy, if this game gives you so much hassle, I suggest you play other non-King game since the game can no longer give you the joy and fun you need.

    If the game gives you tension or anxiety, best is to quit. Not worth getting angry over just a game. Hope this helps. At least you are able to vent your anger here, but nothing much we can do if you don't like the game. Be happy 😊

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    Hi @EFamousE

    I urge you to follow the community guidelines.

    Thank you.

  • Loveth_NP
    Loveth_NP Posts: 1,741

    Ouch 😓 @EFamousE a warm welcome . I can imaging how worked up you are with this whole tic-tac-toe drama situated around the fun game but am sure the game teams are working tirelessly behind the scheme to help us all enjoy the game more than it used to be and a cyber hugs to you and your loved ones out there in America , I hope this COVID exit our planet soon so we can get back to our normal normal normal!!!! Best of luck and enjoy crushing 🍭🥂

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    Hi @EFamousE !

    I understand your frustration over being stuck on a level, but still please use a nice tone and a polite language in the Community.

  • Locodemente
    Locodemente Posts: 1

    Level 1

    No se de que se trate aquí pero al parecer está intenso, a mí me gusta el juego para pasar el rato en tiempo de osio, que no es mucho pero si es un rato agradable, hay niveles que tengo que hacer hasta 3 o 4 veces para pasarlos pero está chido 👍✌️🤘

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,404

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Sorry for your reply because we can only use English on this discussion that we can understand / help you on King Community. Don't worry! You make sure use Google Translate to translate English Language as well on next time. 😉

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?