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Cover your ears, delicate Nancies!

EFamousE Posts: 33 Level 2
edited June 2020 in Discussions

I've stayed away for weeks, née months, because some old lady couldn’t handle a little bleeped out cursing. But I am back, because screw that and screw you.

Anyway, King is a *** who literally creams his panties making levels that are just impossible to beat without a *** lucky board. After over a *** week at this *** level, I am finally close enough that I blow through my saved up boosters, and that is STILL not enough even though it SHOULD have been. And now I’m just back to trash boards that I have absolutely NO chance of winning with. Probably for another *** week or more or until *** King FINALLY deigns to let me have an actual lucky board.

America is suffering right now, Covid is spiking back up all over the place, and Candy Crush is SUPPOSED to be a FUN diversion from all of that. Instead, King is a little *** ***, and I intend to call him out on that.

***, King, and ***

That. Is. All.

Time for the delicate Nancies old ladies to swoop in now and yell at me. Have at it, because I am SO. DONE. 👽

(EDITED by CM - Inappropriate/ abusive language) 


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