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I’m baaaaack!!!!!! (Don’t like it? Don’t care.)

EFamousE Posts: 33 Level 2

Go ahead and ban me if my completely justified anger bothers you that much. I have EVERY. FKG. RIGHT. to be absolutely SEETHING with red hot HATRED when absolute utter SHYTE like THIS happens: I’m on a bullshyte level where you have WAY. TOO. FEW. moves to collect all the fng combinations required, where you’re basically stuck waiting for azzwipe King to bless you with a lucky board. Well, it FINALLY forking happens, almost. I get everything except one final color bomb next to striped, and they literally fall right beside each other just as # of moves goes to 0. And, quelle forking SURPRISE, THAT is the one and ONLY time that I do NOT get offered a free spin for extra moves. I literally WOULD and SHOULD have won the fng game, but, NOOOO, Mr. Tiny P3n1s King just HAS to get his jollies by royally forking me over, and now I am going to be stuck on this piece of shyte level for probably fng WEEKS now. So go ahead and ban me now, I am the one in the right here for being THOROUGHLY p1zzed off ...... Good Night & may King & everybody else associated with Candy Crush have EXTREMELY horrific nightmares ...... 👽💀


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