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Missing rewards at end of each area.

Silverwater1968 Posts: 4

Level 1

I complete an area. Get my 10% bonus but the timed lives down not ever happen.

see picture and video.

this has happened several times.

just finally got a video of it.

Won’t let me upload video.


  • E_f_y_a
    E_f_y_a Posts: 7

    Level 2

    It happens to me too.... I don't know why

  • kavidina
    kavidina Posts: 5,827

    Hii welcome to d king community

    Plz. Logout ur game, update game application, clear cache but becareful about game data, and log back in. I hope it is temporary problem and it will go back to u.

    Or else u can contact customer support from ur game. Thank you

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325
    edited August 2020

    hello Dear @Silverwater1968

    welcome To Our Community

    The Time Lives And 10%Score Works on Your Next Playing Levels.

    Let Me Explain This

    Time Lives Is Working Only 30 Minutes Or Which Is Specified On That and 10% Score 👇👇👇

    When You Play Next Level And Passed That So At last When All score Counted then 10% of Your Achieved Score Is Also Added On Your That Level Total score. 😊😊😊

    I repeat It's Working On Next Playing Levels 😊😊

    As now You play your Next Level 2661 10%Score Definitely Added to your Total Score. it seems At Last to see that please don't skip after passing level.

    Hope You Understand

    Have Fun

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884
    edited August 2020

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    The timer on live means that in this episode your life will recharge after 25 minutes rather than normal 30 minutes time.

    The first stage, Bronze, you get 10% more points on every level.

    Second stage, Silver, Lives reload every 25 min instead of 30 min.

    Third stage, Gold, You get 6 Lives as the maximum in the game.

    Fourth and last stage, Diamond, 1 Extra Move on every level you play.

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615

    Live timer means that in this episode your life will be recharged after 25 minutes instead of the normal 30 minute time.

     The first, Bronze Level, you get 10% more points per level.

    The second stage, silver, is reloaded to life every 25 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

    The third stage, Gold, gets a maximum of 6 lives in the game.

    The fourth and final stage, the diamond, has one extra move

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,836

    Hi @Silverwater1968 . Welcome to our Community

    Your 10% score must be added to each level.😊

    Whenever you complete a level, score of 10% is added to your level score, and the scoreboard comes up.

    For example, If you pass a level with 30,000 points then you will get 33000 points on your score board.

  • Silverwater1968
    Silverwater1968 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I said I get the 10%. But I never get the free lives. Heart with a clock in it.

    now I recently claimed a 12 hour reward on the loyalty site and NEVER GOT ANY OF IT.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi there @Silverwater1968 and good day to you.

    The free life i.e. +1 is awarded to you if you win a Gold/Diamond Trophy only. Did you win this trophy in the episode race? If yes, your total full lives should be 6.

    Whereas, the heart with clock in it is not a free life, it is the icon for time needed to get 1 full life. For silver, gold and diamond trophies, the time for 1 full life is reduced by 5 minutes i.e. 25 minutes instead of the usual 30 minutes.

    As for the missing rewards that you've mentioned, the 12 hours will be activated once you claimed it and if you didn't use it within that timeframe, then nothing can be done.

    Please let us know if you need help with other issues in the game.

    Thank you 😊

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