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CandyDeVo Newbie


  • 10903 has been cut back on moves so far it is impossible to pass without paying. Prior users had the luxury of a couple more moves. This is another example of king forcing you to pay to win. Why don’t they just get rid of all the competitions? We are playing apples to apples when they keep cutting back moves so far so you…
  • the number of lives happen cut down significantly. You can see how many moves were provided originally on YouTube when you see people who have won. I have played this game over 100 times, and I cannot win without buying extra moves. I refuse to buy all the time.
  • Play over and over with no expectation of winning, Uninstall the game or pay money for more moves. I believe after playing a game 1000 times you should have one lucky board along the way. I have not. I am well over 1000 attempts. The closest I have gotten is two orders left. They’re trying to run this like a casino. If you…

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