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Casey_Fields Level 2


  • You can use boosters to make life simpler but it can be done without using them. If that's the way you feeling then maybe give the game a little break or try something else, if you put too much energy into one thing it can get frustrating after a while. The problem is, that almost without exception, the games cannot be won…
  • No answer, I just scored 29,600. 10,000 supposedly all that's required but because, without buying boosts, which what you would have to buy is expensive smashes, you cannot avoid eventual no moves left. Level fails. Stupid, I'm really starting to hate this game and King. Now it requires 40,000. Thanks for nothing.
  • No answer, I just scored 29,600. 10,000 supposedly all that's required but because, without buying boosts, which what you would have to buy is expensive smashes, you cannot avoid eventual no moves left. Level fails. Stupid, I'm really starting to hate this game and King.
  • If a bomb is going to explode you have to pay, otherwise even though you have scored way more than is necessary level fails. This is wrong! It should check your score and if you've passed you've passed!

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