Hi there and thank you for your comment. The video ad feature is still a test feature in the game, means that the video ads will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices. I don’t have any specific information about this. Keep playing and enjoying the game, and hopefully, they will…
Hello there. Have you trying some troubleshooting steps? If not, the Daily Treat Machine is being investigated. In the meantime please contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. It’s Sodalicious!
Hey there. Have you trying some troubleshooting steps? If not, some events may be temporary unavailable as they aren’t the permanent feature in the game and most of them are timed. Thank you and have a sodalicious day. It’s Sodalicious!
Hello there. I’m also don’t have this too. However the moderators say the Super Color Bomb is still being investigated. I don’t know when will it be done? Without them, most of levels even more difficult. In the meantime please contact Player Support to report it. It’s Sodalicious!
Hi there. The Chocolate Box is currently under investigation. However not all players may have this problem. So if you’re encountered the issue, all you need to do is contact Player Support to see what happened to the game. It’s Sodalicious!