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Colleen Companion Welsh Level 4


  • Hey we actually have a Community member @SneakyMelonPyroDuck I thought this was just a glitch in the Candy Crush friends list when sending lives 😂
  • I can still claim 45 Gold Bars on my Windows 11 laptop. This is exactly what I use it for to play the last level in the episode to get the 15 extra Gold Bars for the Episode Race 🙂
  • This is my third weekend with this Baker's box not working properly. Have a great weekend 😊
  • I did read this comment and assumed they were they were added on the 9th. I also noticed that my Game ID is correct in your comment with the missing zero so I definitely misunderstood thinking there was a problem. Thank you, have a great weekend 🙂 September 14, 2024 06:15 PM NST
  • Good Morning, I have updated my signature to include the missing digit (zero) from my Game ID. I am playing on an Android Tablet and Phone. Smashing the boxes does not work on both devices. Not sure if it's too late to get the Gold Bars from the Play Old Levels event. Have a great day😊 September 14, 2024 - 07:52 AM NST
  • I just checked again and this time it gave me an online submission form to King Customer Care rather than the Community so perhaps there was a glitch earlier this morning. If this does happen again I will try to remember to take a screenshot for you 😊 September 13, 2024 - 07:00 PM NST
  • @PummyRaj Baker's Box is back again today and I still have the same issues as previously reported multiple times with the inability to crush the boxes. FYI, when I select the help link in the game it automatically directs me to the Community now, There is no longer an online submission form to contract King Customer Care…
  • There have been several posts in the Community regarding levels 1881 and 1882. I also know I had issues with both these levels and did not pass without using Gold Bars for extra moves. The discussion pasted below suggests the issue has been fixed. @PummyRaj perhaps you can confirm. Have a great day and welcome to the…
  • If you watch ads you don't always get extra moves there are other boosters ie Colour Bombs, stripped candies, hammers etc. Extra moves can also be obtained from using Gold Bars if you have any available. I do not recommend purchasing Gold Bars for extra moves. Once a purchase is umade these ads will usually disappear from…

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