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Gunit Level 2


  • I think we all assumed it was a "problem." However, King's continued and extended silence on the "problem" indicates to me that the exploding candies problem is designed to happen purposefully. They know they explode. They designed it that way. They don't want to admit that because then they would have to answer to people…
  • I posted about this problem last May 2019. It's now September and if anything, the problem is much worse. Now it's not just color bombs exploding occasionally without explanation but all the special candies are doing it and OFTEN in every level that I play. This is obviously on purpose. Also, most of the ads are obvious…
  • Ok so I just did it again with BOTH one square of dark and one square of light chocolate left to spare and got the "oops" message. Wtf King 
  • Ok, so with moves to spare and dark chocolates left on the board, I got the oops message. I had nothing but dark chocolates for over 10 moves and each time I cleared dark chocolate it counted at the top as it ticked off the number of chocolates to pass the level so sorry Elsa, but your statement that only light chocolate…
  • Yeah, it's now May 2019 and nothing has been done to fix this issue. I have this same maddening problem and have lost many hard levels because of Color Bombs and other boosters exploding for no reason.I remember when it started and for a long time kept thinking that I had inadvertently triggered a booster to explode. After…

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